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Marxist Group Thinks Socialism is the Solution to COVID-19

Marxist Group Thinks Socialism is the Solution to COVID-19

“According to the IMT’s website, one or more chapters are active in thirty-eight states across the country, including DC.”

Lots of people on the far left clearly saw COVID as an opportunity to advance their agenda in this way.

Campus Reform reports:

This Marxist group thinks socialism can solve COVID-19

A global organization of “workers and youth” called The International Marxist Tendency (IMT) is fighting for the “overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a workers’ government in the United States.”

According to the IMT’s website, one or more chapters are active in thirty-eight states across the country, including DC.

The IMT holds events on college campuses across the country such as the “Socialist Revolution Kick Off” at the University of Wisconsin – Madison last semester.

“The future of humanity depends on the ability of the students and workers being able to overthrow this system! Come and join us to learn how you can get involved with this international movement,” the event description reads.

In October 2020, IMT held an event called “The Socialist Solution to Fight COVID-19,” which outlined how “only a democratically planned economy is capable of providing workers the means to handle this crisis without losing their livelihood.”

The “Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky” ideals-based group seeks “Marxist cadres” who will fight for the “revolutionary transformation of society.”

“The capitalist system is at the root of the poverty, racism, instability, violence, and humiliation the exploited and oppressed face every day. To solve these problems, we fight for a workers’ government,” the IMT website states.

IMT’s program core principles include: “class independence,” a “rebuild of the labor movement,” an end to “unemployment,” “quality, affordable housing for all,” “universal, quality health care,” “quality, lifelong education for all,” the commitment to the idea that “only class struggle can combat the climate crisis,” and the objective to “nationalize the key levers of the economy.”


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Dolce Far Niente | March 2, 2022 at 12:23 pm

Still yammering on about “class struggle” and and a students and workers labor movement, are ya?

Well, I guess college students are dumber than ever, so those antiquated 19th century catch phrases may still net you some adherents.

Marxist groups think socialism is the answer to everything. And then when socialism ruins the economy, they take over the country and become a communist dictatorship. Just ask Putin or Xi how wonderful a communist utopia can be.

Socialism does not exist. Capitalism does not exist. Your choices are freedom and slavery. Pick one. (Hint: Socialism is never aligned with freedom)

henrybowman | March 2, 2022 at 7:59 pm

“only a democratically planned economy is capable of providing workers the means to handle this crisis without losing their livelihood.”

History shows this is true. Planned economies destroy the workers’ livelihoods (if not the workers themselves) almost immediately out of the gate, so they are no danger of further destruction regardless of what occurs.

When you have only a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Perhaps the IMT needs a scholarship program to visit the ” workers paradise” of Venezuela or Cuba!