Clemson Student Speaks Out When Class is Shown Video of Trump Being Stabbed in Shakespeare Play

You may recall this production of Julius Caesar that took place shortly after Trump became president. The student who spoke out was ignored, naturally.

Campus Reform reports:

This student spoke out when her professor played an anti-Trump video in class. Here’s what happened next.When a video showing the stabbing of a lookalike Donald Trump was played during an English class at Clemson University, one student decided to speak out.Clemson University professor Elizabeth Rivlin showed a clip of an actor playing former President Donald Trump being stabbed during New York City’s 2017 ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ production of Julius Caesar during her English 4110-Shakespeare class.“And then I spoke up,” Clemson sophomore Alivia Grace Talley said to Campus Reform.Talley told Campus Reform that Rivlin paused the video after several minutes and asked students for their opinion. The feedback was overall “positive” from the students, the student revealed.“This is ridiculous. This is a Shakespeare class,” Talley recounted saying in class. “Why on earth are we watching videos from 2017 of a former President being disrespected and mocked? I don’t care what you think of a President, it’s disrespectful and dishonoring to go as far as to stab him in a play.”English 4110 is a required course for all English majors that studies “selected tragedies, comedies, and history plays of Shakespeare.”“I do not agree with our current President in America, but I would never disrespect him. I would never go as far to support a group stabbing him to death on stage. In America, we honor and respect those in authority. We do not mock them. In America, we honor those who sacrifice – everyone from our military to our government – regardless of what we think,” she continued.“Students chuckled at me, rolled their eyes, and continued to talk in support of the video my professor played,” Talley told Campus Reform.When asked what the purpose of showing the video was, Talley told Campus Reform that the class is reading Julius Caesar and the professor wanted to “take Shakespeare plays and relate them to today.”Talley said that this was the “final straw” for her, and she felt that she “had to say something and do something about it.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Trump Derangement Syndrome