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We’ve Moved!

We’ve Moved!

To different email and online donation service providers, but not because we wanted to

If you receive our emails, you might have noticed that we’ve moved platforms. Since we launched the Legal Insurrection Foundation almost three years ago, our email and other online functions were housed with Salsa Labs. But, due to annoying circumstances beyond our control, we were thrust into the opportunity to learn an entirely new system!

This week, we made the transition to Constant Contact. So, if you’re used to getting emails from us via Salsa Labs and have noticed a change, or maybe your inbox spam filters have noticed a change, this move is likely the culprit. Tech changes like this take time, even if the platforms are easy to use. Lots of little things we learn via trial and error, details that take time to notice and iron out. Please be patient with us and if you see any issues or have any problems, please feel free to reach out to us.

So, why the change? In the great age of deplatforming, we received an email at 5:00 PM on a Friday informing us that our business was no longer welcome at Salsa Labs.

Professor Jacobson wrote in this morning’s edition of Morning Insurrection:

DEPLATFORMED — We are transitioning away from Salsa Labs as our email and donation platform, not voluntarily. They don’t want us on their platform anymore, with no explanation given. They don’t claim we violated their terms of service or did anything wrong. I think we all know what’s going on. So we are now using Constant Contact for our emails and Donor Perfect as our donation platform. This has been an incredible time and money sink. We have spent many dozens of hours finding and then onboarding the new platforms. And the whole thing will end up costing us over 10k in additional costs for the transition. There may be a few wrinkles to iron out in the coming days, so bear with us.

Time and money sink for sure.

In addition to a new email platform, our online donation forms have changed, too. If something looks different there, don’t be alarmed. This is intentional, too.

Email is still the best way for us to reach you. We back up lists regularly in the event we wake up to find we have yet again been deplatformed. Truth is a valuable and dangerous commodity these days.

If you’re not already signed up for our week day newsletter, you can do so here. When you sign up you can manage preferences so you only hear from us occasionally. As the official manager of the list, I can promise we NEVER sell your info, nor do we spam you. Not even during the few times a year we fundraise. We respect your busy inbox and your privacy.

Thank you for reading and our sincerest thanks for being part of the Legal Insurrection family. We’re honored you choose to spend time with us.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Additional donation to assist with transition sent and confirmed on new portal.

The Gentle Grizzly | February 7, 2022 at 10:07 pm

Neil Young gate Salsa an ultimatum as well?

It’s probably too soon to say this, but suddenly this site doesn’t crash my browser.

That Salsa wasn’t from San Antine!

I just sent a donation; FYSA: the middle page before the donation confirmation there was a block at the top that said YOUR LOGO. Obviously, you’ll want to put in LIF there.

Kicking a little extra into the kitty.

Fortunately, Constant Contact doesn’t trip any of my woke alarms.
Glad you avoided MailChimp.
Never heard of Donor Perfect, so good luck there.

    Unfortunately my ISP flags Constant Contact as a source of Malware for redirecting to and refuses to load any articles..

Salsa Labs, apparently now owned by EveryAction.

“Headquartered in Washington, D.C. EveryAction is fueled by passionate people who care about doing more good.” Maybe needs a little editing now?

    Halcyon Daze in reply to jb4. | February 8, 2022 at 3:08 pm

    Passion asphyxiates logic.

    henrybowman in reply to jb4. | February 8, 2022 at 11:38 pm

    “Doing more good” = “Not Being Evil.”
    Yup, it all dovetails together.

    Keith_ in reply to jb4. | February 10, 2022 at 12:13 pm

    EveryActions main customer is the Democratic Party – no doubt this is why LE had to relocate

    In June 2021, Salsa Labs was acquired by EveryAction. [6] Three months later, Apax Partners acquired EveryAction from Insight Partners and Social Solutions from Vista Equity Partners, combining them with CyberGrants, a company it agreed to acquire in June from Waud Capital Partners.[7]

Good luck on your new domain.

I don’t trust online donation systems, which often take a cut of the proceeds, or (in the case of GoFundMe) don’t send the donations on. I sent my donation to Legal Insurrection in the form of a check through the US Mail in December.

I sent it to LI Foundation, 18 Maple Ave #280, Barrington, RI 02806. I got a nice thank-you in return. I strongly recommend this method of donating to my fellow Luddites and technophobes.

Good riddance! On a technical level SalsaLabs did not seem very competent to me. When it comes to donations and payment processing at least, their software was giving me frequent problems. I just donated through Donor Perfect and everything is looking very smooth so far.

The Gentle Grizzly | February 8, 2022 at 6:51 pm

So. Who DOES Salsa host?