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Student Govt. at U. Washington Demands 24% American Indian Enrollment

Student Govt. at U. Washington Demands 24% American Indian Enrollment

“place an emphasis on hiring faculty focusing on the intersectionality of Tribal sovereignty and computing within the CSE department”

This looks like nothing more than a giant virtue signal. How is the school supposed to control who applies for enrollment?

The College Fix reports:

Student government demands 24 percent American Indian enrollment

The University of Washington’s student government wants to see an American Indian enrollment quota of 24 percent by 2030.

The Associated Students of the University of Washington wrote a list of demands as a response to a professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department who refused to participate in a “land acknowledgment” requirement.

“I acknowledge that by the labor theory of property the Coast Salish people can claim historical ownership of almost none of the land currently occupied by the University of Washington,” Professor Stuart Reges wrote on his syllabus.

The ASUW wants to rectify the situation with a set of demands for the university.

It passed the resolution 50 to 1, although almost half the student senate did not vote. The one “no” vote, Austin Engstrom, said the  goal of “25%” enrollment is too high.

The university must “commit to a 3% annual increase in the student population of Alaska Native/Native American students leading to a Alaska Native/Native American student population of at least 24% by 2030,” the resolution states.

UW officials should “place an emphasis on hiring faculty focusing on the intersectionality of Tribal sovereignty and computing within the CSE department.”

One student sponsor, Madison Truitt, said the 24 percent quota could include “people of mixed race” according to the minutes of the January 11 meeting.

The student government also wants more help for racial minorities. “BIPOC students need resources created by [black, indigenous and people of color] professionals to address the traumas inflicted by institutions and individuals,” the resolution says. The student leaders want increased recruitment of racial minorities, too.


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The Gentle Grizzly | February 8, 2022 at 9:09 am

If Apu Patel’s kids are born here, do they count as American Indians?

Not saying this is the same thing, but they should just say we want 100% progressive woke cultists enrolled from now on. That’s their real end goal and the only quota that matters to someone that can’t tolerate differences of opinion.

Proving that these UW students flunked high school math. Only 2% of the US population is Native American, so they probably don’t even comprise 24% of the applicant pool.

    henrybowman in reply to billdyszel. | February 8, 2022 at 12:55 pm

    If HBCUs can manage to pull a totally black student body, a college that wants to pull Indians should be able to put in the necessary work to go broke faster.

Even Evergreen is going “Dude?”

If there are insufficient native students to meet the school quota voluntarily, there is historic precedent for force.

“the intersectionality of Tribal sovereignty and computing” does anyone have an idea what this could mean? An operating system just for a certain indian tribe? Finding someone in that tribe who can compute enough addition and subtraction to keep the tribe’s books and another to audit them? I really wonder, and I’m not usually too bad at coming up with research questions.

UW should task every member of the Student Government to each bring at least one ‘Alaskan native/Native American’ for enrollment into the IT field.