Student Govt. at George Washington U. Demands Firing of Two Professors

Cancel Culture

When did college students become so entitled that they think they have the power to fire people? This is just bizarre.

The College Fix reports:

George Washington U. student government demands termination of two professorsThe George Washington University Student Association is demanding the firing of a pair of professors — one who uttered the N-word in an educational context, and another who refused to allow a service dog in her class.The former is Alicia Bitler, who uttered the N-word while discussing the painting “The Problem We All Live With” which depicts young Ruby Bridges integrating an all-white school in 1960.The epithet is clearly visible on the painting. Bitler called the incident an “oops moment” and later held a discussion session on the matter. She eventually asked to be relieved of her teaching duties.The latter, Marie Matta, initially had refused to allow a student’s service pitbull to enter her class, but later relented and apologized upon realizing her error.“The Student Association Executive Team condemns the behavior of Professors Bitler and Matta,” the SA posted on its Instagram page. “We strongly believe that any professor who violates the basic rights of students, as these professors have done, should be terminated.“This is a view we hold based on morals as well as the university’s own policies. We are advocating for this action if the university does not move forward with the firing of these professors.”The Hatchet reports students and various members of the SA were critical of the initial SA Instagram post because it did not demand the professors’ termination.

Tags: Cancel Culture, College Insurrection