Report: 220,000 Illegal Immigrants Slipped Past Border Patrol Since October

Fox News reported that 220,000 illegal immigrants slipped past border patrol agents since October:

The source said that there are approximately 220,000 known “gotaways”, meaning those who get past Border Patrol when coming across the border. That number is separate from encounters, in which Border Patrol has either caught the migrant or the migrant has turned themselves in.Known gotaways are those who have been spotted on cameras and sensors etc., but Border Patrol does not have the manpower to get to. It is harder for officials to estimate the number of “gotaways” who have avoided detection altogether — meaning the number of actual gotaways is likely much higher.That 220,000 come during the traditionally slower months at the border, meaning those numbers, along with the number of those encountered, are likely to ramp up significantly as the spring and summer months approach.

Just another Biden failure that he wants you to ignore and concentrate on Russia!

Migrant encounters at the border continue to rise as well:

The border patrol had 78,414 encounters in January 2021.

People in Mexico and Central America want to get to America. I blogged about migrants at Mexico’s southern border dewing their lips shut to protest the country not allowing them through to the U.S. border:

The migrants, mostly Central and South Americans, helped each other seal their lips using needles and plastic threads, leaving a small space to consume liquids and using alcohol to wipe away drops of blood from the stitches, Reuters images show.“The migrants are sewing their lips together as a sign of protest,” said Irineo Mujica, an activist at the demonstration. “We hope that the National Migration Institute can see that they are bleeding, that they are human beings.”Mexico’s migration agency (INM) said in a public statement that “it is worrying that these measures have been carried out with the consent and support of those who call themselves their representatives, with the intention of pressuring authorities on an attention already provided.”

The protest took place in Tapachula, Guatemala, which has seen the migrant population grow as they wait “for papers to freely cross the country.”

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Mexico