Pro-Mask Virginia School Board Member has Hissy Fit After Being Called Out for Maskless Photo

Montgomery County in Virginia had a crazy school board meeting the other day. Alecia Vaught committed a cardinal sin: she showed off photos of a maskless pro-mask school board member.

Not just any school board member! The pictures belonged to Chairwoman Susan Kass.

Vaught stood her ground, even when Kass wanted an officer to escort her out all for showing everyone that Kass is nothing but a hypocrite.

Kass didn’t get her way so she threw a temper tantrum.

Here is the beginning of the video. Vaught called out the school board for following one governor’s mask orders while disagreeing with the new governor. Gee. I wonder why. She also has a major problem with the school board not wanting to talk to the parents:

Senate bill 739, as you guys probably know, is going to be signed into law very soon, so we’re taking the power out of your hands and putting it back with the parents the way it should be. And it’s very concerning that you guys would take the power away from the parents.When you were saying, introducing the public address comment, you said this is the time we get to hear from the students, from the staff and from the community members. You didn’t mention parents. Not one bit.I think that’s a big issue for Montgomery County because you guys do not like the parents. That’s how I feel because you’re taking the choice away from the parents and you’re trying to take it and put it into your hands for financial reasons, I don’t know. You’re taking it away from us.We sat here last year and listened to you guys preach to us about Gov. Northam’s executive orders and how we must follow them. You guys remember that? We do. Here’s a governor who comes into office, but yet you don’t want to follow his orders. Why is that? Why is it different from the last year to this year? Two different governors, two different political parties. So we were supposed to follow it last year but not this year. That makes no sense. It makes all of you a bunch of hypocrites except for Dana and Jamie.

It gets juicy at 1:22:

“Miss Kass, you yelled at me the last time I was here for taking off my mask but here’s a picture of you right here on Facebook with a crowd of people with no mask on,” stated Vaught.

Oh, Kass did not appreciate Vaught calling her out. Kass got all high and mighty: “I’m sorry, Ms. Vaught, you are done. If you are going to sit there and disparage a member of our school board then you can sit down.”

Kass even asks law enforcement to take Vaught out of the room.

Another school board member steps in and puts Kass in her place: “She should be able to say her piece. I’ve had to listen to people come and criticize me.”

Kass retorted, “People came here and criticized you last year?”

The member responded, “Absolutely and I couldn’t do anything about it.”

Kass asked if the people showed pictures of the person’s family.

“They did worse,” the school board member shot back.

Kass whined that Vaught showed off her family from her Facebook page.

Vaught responded, “What do you think about our family? Our family is being suffocated to death by your policies!”

Kass huffed and puffed and stormed off: “I’m done. She leaves or I leave.”

What a crybaby. Maybe don’t be a hypocrite while forcing others to wear a mask.

Tags: Education, Virginia