Poll: Majority of Americans Think Biden’s First Year in Office Has Been a Failure
SOTU on Tuesday: “Americans’ concerns about their own personal finances and the overall direction of the country provide a stark backdrop for Biden who will face the nation with dismal reviews of his first year in office and his lowest job approval rating.”

Joe Biden is set to deliver a State of the Union address on Tuesday night, and he doesn’t have much to offer in the way of good news. He has not shut down the virus as promised, inflation and gas prices are still rising, and everything seems to be in a state of chaos.
New polling indicates what most people are feeling. So far, this is a failed presidency.
From Marist:
NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll: The Biden Administration Heading into the State of the Union Address, February 2022
President Joe Biden will deliver his first State of the Union address on Tuesday to a nation whose focus has shifted away from the COVID-19 pandemic and who is sending a message that they want Biden to focus on other issues, especially inflation. Americans’ concerns about their own personal finances and the overall direction of the country provide a stark backdrop for Biden who will face the nation with dismal reviews of his first year in office and his lowest job approval rating.
- A plurality of Americans (38%) thinks President Biden’s top priority should be inflation. The coronavirus pandemic (11%), voting laws (11%), foreign policy (10%), and violent crime (10%) follow. Other issues receive single digits. Of note, more than seven in ten Americans (72%) are optimistic that the nation is nearing an end to the coronavirus pandemic.
- Majorities of Americans think Biden’s first year in office has been a failure (56%), he is not fulfilling campaign promises (54%), and he is doing more to divide the nation (52%) than to unite it. Americans are more than four times as likely to consider Biden’s first year to be a major failure (36%) than a major success (8%).
- Economic concerns hit close to home for Americans. 29% say their family finances have gotten worse in the last year. 23% say they have gotten better, and 48% say things are status quo.
That’s actually not the only bad polling news for Biden. Another new poll from Harvard CAPS-Harris finds Biden’s job approval at a new low.
Julia Manchester writes at The Hill:
Biden’s job approval hits new low: poll
President Biden’s approval rating has hit a new low of 38 percent, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Friday.
Seventeen percent of registered voters said they “strongly approve” of Biden’s job in office while another 21 percent said they “somewhat approve.”
Another 39 percent said they “strongly disapproved” of Biden’s job, while 16 percent said they “somewhat approved.”
The findings come as Biden grapples with the violent Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as record-high inflation stateside. Biden is set to address the nation on Tuesday, delivering his first State of the Union remarks to Congress.
“On the eve of his State of the Union, the president has hit a new low as inflation and economic anxiety hit new highs. The president is now underwater on every top domestic and foreign policy issue,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the ratings for Biden’s SOTU address are pretty decent.
Don’t you want to hear how he tries to explain all of this?

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Be a real stretch to point to a success.
The Biden Touch: everything he touches turns to, well, poop.
And he is too gone to even know it.
“The Biden Touch: everything he touches turns to, well, poop.”
He has the Midas touch in reverse.
We need to demand this corrupt moron resign. And if Harris can’t handle it, she’ll need to resign.
We can’t take another year of this bastard intentionally destroying our nation.
The only record BUYden has set is a record of failure. Employment worst its bene in how long, Inflation the highest its been in how long…and on and on.
Well the Chinks and Rooskies probably consider him an asset.
Calling Chinese “Chinks” is not right. Communist China’s dicatators are human scum that should be vaporized, but racially damning the rest of them is just not right.
I’m hoping the dimwit will take the opportunity of the SOTU to announce his Resignation!
More likely he will announce Corn Pop being appointed ambassador to Lichtenstein.
I am surprised it’s not a 2pm in afternoon
Maybe it will be moved to noon because of the Nazi truckers.
The Nazi goal has been to collapse the economy into the lap of socialism. So actually, Biden has been a spectacular success.
Those must be the 8% that thinks the first year has been a major success
Perhaps there are Americans who believe engineering a Global FAMINE is a good?
Because Global Famine is coming.
Bill Gates has been a notorious Malthusian for as long as I remember. He has also funded research to create a vaccine that spreads like a virus infecting everyone without their approval or knowledge.
Evil little man.
He built Microsoft stealing others technology, DR Dos being one example. So he was just about as honest as the Clinton’s and Biden’s.
No, he did not ‘steal’ DR DOS. The owners were stupid enough to sign a licensing agreement that allowed MSFT to in turn sub-license the technology to others. Little did they know, Gates had the IBM deal in the wings. And they were also stupid enough to sign a weak agreement that allowed MSFT to develop their own knock-off product.
So yeah, Gates was predatory, but the DR DOS guys were stupid and signed a horrendous deal.
Joe, I’m thinking back to the last election when Trump supporters were feeding the poll takers contrarian data. I would tell them Joe is doing a fantastic job if they called me. Skew ’em, I say.
The ridiculous (or scary) part of the poll is the number of people who don’t rate him a failure.
We’re be a Republican, they would. Just like many blind-loyalist Republicans world see him as a success.
Jimmy Carter now relieved to know that he won’t die with the title of ‘Worst American President.’
Ummm, my question would be “How much did Russia & China pay Biden to take a dive in the 1st round?”
I believe the Biden Family Crime Syndicate demands an ‘honorarium’ of no less than 10%. The Big Guy needs his 10%.
The majority of Americans think Biden’s first year is a failure.
The majority of Americans are right!
Biden is in the pocket of both Russia and China, whomever pays him last.
And that’s just the Brandon international crime family and just Russia. Just imagine what they and the Chinese have on everyone else to keep them quiet.
As much as it may be attractive to possibly watch Biden vapor lock and start babbling on camera, I assume if that happens I can catch it online. So I will not watch the speech.
However, he is NOT a failure. His goal, as much as he remembers, and the goal of his political allies is to destroy us as a nation and as a constitutional republic. They are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams . . . as much as he can remember.
Subotai Bahadur
Of course the SOTU address will have a lot of viewers. People like watching slow motion train wrecks.
SOTU may have to be postponed because Biden has been studying it for months, but now much of it will have to be re-written and he will likely get mixed up .
Calling the current administration-of-questionable-legitimacy a failure is giving it too much credit. Try “disaster”.