Parliament Jeers Prime Minister Trudeau During Speech About “Emergencies Act”

Yesterday, I noted that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would have to get approval from the Canadian Parliament to enact the odious “Emergencies Act.” Given the fact he heads a minority government and that many Canadian citizens support the goals of the Freedom Convoy protest, Members of Parliament may not be too keen to grant it.

It appears I was right. Less than 24-hours after declaring wide-ranging powers, including terror finance laws to defund the trucker, Trudeau came to parliament to persuade them to support his move.

The video clip, which is not making its way to mainstream media news for some strange reason, shows the Prime Minister being jeered and booed.

It beings with the Trudeau being confronted by Conservative Party interim Leader Candice Bergen over his invocation of the Emergencies Act.

“The Prime Minister invoked the Emergencies Act and 24 hours in, there are more questions than answers,” Bergen said. “Questions about whether this is justified, questions around if the criteria is met, questions around what this means to Canadians’ rights and freedoms.”“Parliamentary approval is required in order for the prime minister to use this unprecedented sledgehammer,” she noted. “So can the prime minister tell us when will parliament be debating this? Will it be coming to us on Friday? And does he expect that we will look at it Friday, but then rise, take a week off, and not actually deal with this until March?”

Trudeau responded with blather, completely dodging Bergen’s pointed queries. Bergen even noted that there were significant developments that negated the need to invoke the Act:

When Trudeau explained he was implementing the “Emergencies Act” for the safety of Canadians, he was booed loudly.  When he said he was demonstrating exemplary leadership, there were laughter and jeers.  The Speaker of Parliament had to step in to quiet the uproar several times.

Interim Conservative Party leader Bergen made one exceptional point: What if what Trudeau is doing makes things worse?

Indeed, the situation appears to be poised to be far more problematic as the truckers remain defiant.

Harold Jonker – who led the first convoy of truckers into the Canadian capital – defiantly declared to ‘I am not worried about it.’What Trudeau is trying to do is scare us more than anything. Because at the end of the day he has no means to actually shut us down.’We are a peaceful protest and we are also legally here. And if he actually does try to seize our accounts it’s going to backfire on him because the public is going to back us up.’No matter what he tries to do, the Canadian public right away adjusts how they support us and they will support us.’Whatever he throws at us we can handle. We have been getting from the public an outcry of hope, joy and excitement because of what we are doing here.

As I noted in my earlier assessments, going full federal on the Freedom Convoy would be a foolish move. Today’s session in parliament shows that the truckers have enormous support from regular Canadians.

Tags: Canada, Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022, Justin Trudeau