LIVE: Russian Troops Moves Closer to Kyiv, EU Wants Ukraine to Join

The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues as Russia inches closer to Kyiv. Reminder: Ukraine is seven hours ahead of Eastern Time. So when it’s 7 AM ET it’s 2 PM in Kyiv.

You can catch up with Vijeta’s wonderful posts from the weekend:

It is hard to find live streams I can trust since it seems the cam on Maidan Square has gone out. Here are two:

Pictures From Kharkiv

It is hard to trust anyone on any side during the war. Still, here are the photos I believe are recent in Kharkiv, which is the second-largest city in Ukraine. It is located about 300 miles east of Kyiv.

However, it’s only 30 miles west of the Russian border.

Ukraine Taking Out Russia Air-Defense Systems


A No-Fly Zone?

Nope. It’s a horrible idea to do so b/c it’s basically a declaration of war:

The White House on Monday reacted coolly to a proposal by Volodymyr Zelensky for a no-fly zone for Russian flights over Ukraine, saying US participation in such a move would be tantamount to a direct conflict with Moscow.White House spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters that implementing a no-fly zone would be a step toward sending US troops to fight Russia.”A no-fly zone would require implementation,” she said, adding it would require “deploying US military to enforce, which would be … potentially a direct conflict, and potentially a war with Russia, which is something we are not planning to be a part of.”Asked separately about a no-fly zone for Russian flights over the United States, Ms Psaki said nothing was off the table, but she noted that many US airlines fly over Russia to get to Asia and other parts of the world – likely another reason for US reluctance.

Explosions Around Kyiv

Zelensky Signs EU Application

Still Buying Oil and Gas

It’s all a farce.

Peace Talks Between Russia and Ukraine

The peace talks between the countries began this morning local time on the Belarus border.

Roman Abramovich is brokering the talks:

The Russian-Israeli billionaire handed “stewardship and care” of Chelsea to the club foundation’s trustees on Saturday, in a move aimed to protect the Stamford Bridge club.But now the 55-year-old is trying to help bring an end to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”I can confirm that Roman Abramovich was contacted by the Ukrainian side for support in achieving a peaceful resolution, and that he has been trying to help ever since,” Mr Abramovich’s spokesperson told the PA news agency.

Belarus Giving Up Its Non-Nuclear Status

Belarus Dictator Alexander Lukashenko is a Putin puppet who wants to desperately make his master happy. So yeah of course Lukashenko wants nuclear weapons.

Russian news agencies claimed that a majority approved a new constitution that would allow nuclear weapons on the former Soviet Republic for the first time since 1991:

On Sunday, speaking at a polling station, Lukashenko said he could ask Russia to return nuclear weapons to Belarus.”If you (the West) transfer nuclear weapons to Poland or Lithuania, to our borders, then I will turn to Putin to return the nuclear weapons that I gave away without any conditions,” Lukashenko said.

Russia Inching Towards Kyiv

Satellite pictures show Russian troops are inching towards Kyiv.

European Union Wants Ukraine

A little too late in my opinion. The EU should have taken in Ukraine a long time ago but they didn’t want to tick off Putin. Yeah, well, who would have thunk Putin wouldn’t care if Ukraine belonged to the EU or not:

Ukraine is “one of us and we want them in the European Union”, the bloc’s president, Ursula von der Leyen, has said in an interview.Her comments to the French news outlet Euronews came after Brussels announced it was sending weapons to Ukraine, banning Russian-backed media and aircraft from the EU.But despite backing Ukraine for EU membership, she gave no indication it would be the rapid accession demanded by president Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday.“We have a process with Ukraine that is, for example, integrating the Ukrainian market into the single market,” von der Leyen said in the interview. “We have very close cooperation on the energy grid, for example.”She added: “So many topics where we work very closely together and indeed over time, they belong to us. They are one of us and we want them in.”

Tags: Biden Foreign Policy, European Union, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky