LIVE BLOG: Ukraine Arms Citizens Against Russia, Zelensky Gets Radio Silence From NATO

On Thursday, February 24 (my 41st birthday), Russia struck Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said over 150 people died and over 300 were injured.

Here is a live stream I keep open all day and night. Kyiv is 7 hours ahead of ET. So when it is 7 AM ET it’s 2 PM there.

Loud Explosions in Kyiv

I am using the DW webcam on Maidan Square.

Will Kyiv Fall?

Putin and Lavrov Sanctions

Again, as I said before, they likely don’t have assets here and these sanctions are nothing more than virtue signaling.

Report: Ukraine Shot Down Il-76 Russian Transport Plane

From The Telegraph:

Ukraine has shot down an Il-76 Russian transport plane 20km from Kyiv which was reportedly carrying more tha 100 paratroopers ready to launch an assault on the city.The Ukrainian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff said the Russian Ilyushin II-76 aircraft was carrying landing forces near Vasylkiv, south of Kyiv.

NATO Activating Response Force for the First Time

This sounds like a cool thing, but once again. NATO will not be going into Ukraine (emphasis mine):

According to NATO, the Response Force “is a highly ready and technologically advanced multinational force made up of land, air, maritime and Special Operations Forces (SOF) components that the Alliance can deploy quickly, wherever needed.”The NATO Response Force will provide defensive air, land, and sea support to NATO allies in Europe. NATO noted that the Response Force will not enter Ukraine but will remain on alert in case Russian President Vladimir Putin expands his military operation.“This is an historic moment and the very first time the Alliance has employed these high readiness forces in a deterrence and defense role. They represent a flexible, combat credible force that can be employed in multiple ways and we are utilizing fully their inherent agility,” NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Tod Wolters said in a statement.Wolters called the unprecedented measures “prudent” and necessary to “enhance our speed, responsiveness, and capability to shield and protect the one billion citizens” of NATO’s member nations.Separately, at a press briefing, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called the Russian invasion of Ukraine a “brutal act of war,” and labeled the attack “unjustified and unprovoked.””In response to Russia’s massive military build-up, we have already strengthened our collective defense on land, at sea, and in the air,” Stoltenberg said.

Sanctions Against Putin and Lavrov Don’t Matter

This is probably the only time I’ll ever believe Russia. Does anyone think Putin and Lavrov did not do everything to protect all their assets? Come on.

Power Outage

The camera in Maidan Square in Kyiv went down. I looked and looked…seems like a power outage took it out.

Zelensky is Still in Ukraine

Russia Threatens Finland and Sweden if They Join NATO

Russia, I wouldn’t threaten Finland. They handled you pretty well in WWII. Well, a lot of that credit goes to White Death!

Putin Cronies Trying to Trump Up a Case Against Ukraine

Putin Calling for a Coup

The man has lost his mind.

Talks With Russia?

Ah, yes. Russia supposedly ready for talks with Ukraine in Minsk, Belarus. Tell me. How did all of those other talks in Minsk work out for Ukraine? Minsk is not a neutral location. Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko is as chummy with Putin as one can get. Don’t fall for it, Ukraine.

Sanctions on Putin and Lavrov?

Will the EU freeze Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s assets? Something tells me the men already made moves to protect all of their assets.

Russia Says It has Hostomel Airfield

The airport is near Kyiv. It could be another way for Russia to cut off the city from the West.

Missles in Kyiv

Booms heard on the live cam at 4:20 AM Kyiv time. The pictures show residential areas on fire and somewhat destroyed by missiles or an aircraft. It looks like Ukrainian forces might have intercepted the attack.

Question: Will Ukraine get a no-fly zone over Kyiv?

NATO is Scared of Russia

I ended last night’s blog with this story because it’s chilling and shows the West is not serious about protecting Ukraine:

Today, I have asked 27 European leaders whether Ukraine will be in NATO. I have asked directly – everyone is afraid. No one answers. But we are not afraid. We are not afraid of anything. We are not afraid to defend our country. We are not afraid of Russia. We are not afraid to talk to Russia.But there is a second thing. We have been left alone in defending our nation. Who is ready to fight with us? I don’t see anybody. Who is ready to give Ukraine a guarantee to join NATO? Everyone is afraid.

Tags: Biden Foreign Policy, European Union, NATO, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky