Jeff Zucker Resigns From CNN for Failing to Disclose a ‘Consensual Relationship’ With ‘Closest Colleague’
Dude. CNN is like a strip club.

CNN boss Jeff Zucker resigned after the Chris Cuomo investigation revealed he did not disclose a consensual relationship with a staffer.
As part of the investigation into Chris Cuomo’s tenure at CNN, I was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, someone I have worked with for more than 20 years. I acknowledged the relationship evolved in recent years. I was required to disclose it when it began but I didn’t. I was wrong. As a result, I am resigning today.
As a result, I am resigning today.
Jeff Zucker just announced his resignation to a stunned CNN.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) February 2, 2022
Stelter read a statement from Allison Gollust, the woman in the relationship with Zucker.
Gollust is not leaving her role as Executive VP and Chief Marketing Officer: “Jeff and I have been close friends and professional partners for over 20 years. Recently, our relationship changed during Covid. I regret that we didn’t disclose it at the right time. I’m incredibly proud of my time at CNN and look forward to continuing the great work we do everyday.”
.@brianstelter reads a statement from Allison Gollust, the colleague who was having a consensual relationship with Jeff Zucker:
"Jeff and I have been close friends and professional partners for over 20 years. Recently our relationship changed during Covid."
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) February 2, 2022
Zucker was married to Caryn Nathanson from 1996 to 2019. Supposedly Zucker and Gollust began seeing each other when both were married.
The news about Zucker and Gollust came out in early January on Radar Online. Weirdly enough, the news remained under the radar.
No wonder. Zucker got heat for moving slowly against Chris Cuomo probably because he broke rules, too.
Get this. Gollust once worked as Andrew Cuomo’s communications director!

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Maybe I need to get out more, but this is the first time I have seen an actual photo of Jeff Zucker.
Has America been invaded by pod aliens from the potato planet?
Not everyone can have your dashing good looks, sir…
I may be funny-looking, but I have located only two near-clones in 70 years, in the entire country. These guys are within farting distance of one another. Meps! Meps!
No, only CNN.
It seems just common sense not to fool around where you work.
And, Tucker Carlson has his lead story tonight.
Something about not defecating where one eats comes to mind.
I was trying to be my genteel, polite self. ;-{)}}}
It certainly come with unique downsides; however, one of the most successful pairings I know of among my acquaintances are two peers who used to work directly for me. If you do it right, it can be like a long engagement, which is actually quite helpful.
I wonder if the fact that CNN is sinking ship had any weight in his decision to resign.
Indeed. Seems like a handy (and weak) excuse for a timely bail out. A very senior lefty admitting they did something wrong and taking responsibility for it? Yeah, no.
There is more here than meets the eye.
You mean run viewership down by 80% and then voluntarily leave because of a consensual relationship?
And Bwian-steltzer-water will blame it on tucker & fox..
While Acosta will see to it that trump is blamed for trying to do what only the ChineseNewsNetwork can do best: self implode…
That’s another boil lanced.
Just like that – no warning? Something tells me there is more to the story and he is leaving before the rest of the story surfaces.
Can’t wait to see who gets the position. Wouldn’t be surprised if the next CEO is even more repugnant.
Since it’s claimed to be widely known it was disclosed by the aptly named Clinton News Net.
Wait. Two high level corporate execs together break the rules, but only the man has to leave? I get that he had the top spot, and she was underneath (sorry) him, but still, seems just a little bit too easy-going on the woman.
It takes two to tango, she violated the same rule he did, both of them should be out on the streets.
It’s just like family court but different.
Will she get half of CNN as palimony?
Allison Gollust?
Really? Her name is Gol_LUST?
Stage name when she worked at the Pussy Cat Lounge?
The Boss, pulled for DWI.
Neil Young vs Spotify.
What could be next, you cry?
Zuck and CNN, bye bye bye!
Zucker was likely forced out. More details of the AT&T spinoff were released yesterday. Most likely other details of the deal, like getting rid of Zucker, were not. Several weeks ago a prominent member of the Discovery board expressed his desire to make some changes at CNN.
Zucker’s stated reason is the fig leaf he was allowed as an alternative to a more embarrassing exit.
Stelter and Acosta should be the next to go. Along with the recently announced team whose sole purpose is to attack Foxnews.
I can’t imagine working in an industry where “the new owner put his own guy in” is more embarrassing than “I’ve been boinking a subordinate behind everybody’s backs for 20 years.”
According to Zucker’s statement, he knowingly violated the corporation’s rule that in-house romantic relationships be disclosed. The woman operated under (and violated) the same rule. She too should resign or be terminated–else the rule is meaningless.
I assume there is a age 60 secretary with thick glasses who receives the hanky panky reports?
Se wears sensible shoes, and her eye glasses are on a rhinestone chain.
Jeffery Toobin is the only person at CNN that keeps his hands to himself.
Jeffery’s little sausage
Frying in the pan.
The grease got hot,
And it went BAM!
Well, I’ll be doggone,
My zoom is still on.
Possibly today’s winner of the internet…
100 upticks!
I had it drilled into me, a long time ago, “don’t shit where you eat.” Obviously that lesson – that served me well for 50+ years – was dead a long, long time ago.
Along with “never stick it in crazy.”
You don’t ever want to be Florida sandal guy.
Couldn’t happen to a finer fellow.
This is not the real reason Zucker is out. It doesn’t pass the sniff test.
Toobin was whacking off during a work video conference and he gets to stay.
Zucker was allegedly sleeping with a co-worker on his own time away from the job.
No way in hell this is the real reason for the departure.
Normally, I would agree. But, apparently during Cuomo’s exit negotiations with the network, Cuomo’s lawyers raised this subject, in writing which may have painted the network into a corner. If they don’t investigate, it increases Cuomo’s chances in his own wrong termination litigation. And, if they do investigate and find something and then still refuse to act, it would really increase Cuomo’s chances.
Getting rid of Zucker likely solves more problems for them than it creates.
That makes good sense from a long game perspective.
And here’s that hypothesis done in fine art.
I rarely literally laugh out loud — I did when I saw this.
There’s much, much more to this than just a consensual relationship.
I guess it’s progress when powerful leftist media figures do things consensually.
But under Da Rulez, if either one’s chain of command includes the other one, her consent doesn’t mean any more than a 13-year-old’s.
Is it possible to fire them all for an undisclosed infatuation with AOC? I mean she keeps leading them on by telling them if they praise her, maybe she will date them.
Makes one wonder whether jeffrey toobin will continue “sticking it out”…
Ace has quite the report on the goings on behind the scenes. It is dirty…and not good dirty either (like you get in good porn 😉 but dirty dirty! People refusing to cover stories because certain other people are known to be incredibly vindictive etc.
Not helped by fat fuck potato Stelter running his disinformation story the day before this all broke!
CNN…what an incredible fucking joke. And to think, absolutely NONE of this would have come to pass it if wasnt for Trump brain fucking them for 4 years!
“CNN president Jeff Zucker announced his resignation on Wednesday, following an acknowledgment that he had failed to disclose a romantic relationship with another senior executive at CNN, Allison Gollust. “I was required to disclose it when it began but I didn’t. I was wrong”, said Zucker. Ms. Gollust served as a communications director for Andrew Cuomo for just four months in 2012 and 2013 before quitting to join CNN. Gollust said Wednesday she plans to remain in her role at the company.”
Apparently, another senior executive at CNN, Ms. Gollust, was not “required to disclose her romantic relationship with another senior executive at CNN” when it began, so she didn’t.
Am I reading this correctly?”
Check your privilege. I mean, her privilege.
“Recently, our relationship changed during Covid.”
Was Fauci watching?
CNN has to also-can Go Lust! Then, Brian Stelter, Don LaMon, that ugly Chick who used to “really” like the 2 Bush’s.
Or just leave all as is. Make CNN the official dumping ground for “the Evil, the Bad, and the Ugly!” Send them he girls on the View, Joy Reid (🤮😩) that Madcow. That way, they can all be found in one convenient place, easy to block the whole lot!
Sinking ship. Rat.