Brigham Young University Student Causes Explosion While Brewing ‘Rocket Fuel’ in Dorm Kitchen

This sort of activity is probably best if it’s done in a lab under the supervision of expert chemists.

The New York Post reports:

BYU student brewing rocket fuel in dorm kitchen causes massive ‘fireball’ explosionA Brigham Young University student was brewing homemade rocket fuel on a dormitory stove when the concoction suddenly exploded in a massive “fireball,” according to campus police.The blast from the experiment-gone-wrong set off fire alarms and sprinklers at Heritage Halls around 4:30 p.m. Sunday, flooding parts of the building, BYU police said. Campus police and the Provo Fire Department responded.“The flames from the explosion had engulfed the walls and ceiling around the stove and the intense heat tripped the fire sprinkler system. Firefighters quickly secured the scene and were able to put out the remnants from the fire,” police wrote in a statement.Police said nobody was injured in the explosion, but 22 dorm residents were displaced due to the flooding. Cops said the building suffered “extensive damage.”Photos released by the department show charred kitchen cabinets and ceiling above the stove. Responders can be seen walking through the inches-deep water in the building’s hallways.“Please keep your experiments in the lab and supervised by trained professionals,” police said.According to BYU’s website, residents of the dormitory share a kitchen with up to six people.

Tags: College Insurrection, Utah