Beto Trailing Badly In Polls, Now Has ‘No Interest in Taking’ Your AR-15
Now he LOVES #2A: “I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment.”

Robert O’Rourke, who has two recent failed campaigns, wants to protect your Second Amendment rights, you guys:
“I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment,” he said. “I want to make sure that we protect our fellow Texans far better than we’re doing right now. And that we listen to law enforcement, which Greg Abbott refused to do. He turned his back on them when he signed that permitless carry bill that endangers the lives of law enforcement in a state that’s seen more cops and sheriff’s deputies gunned down than in any other.”
Yes, the same O’Rourke who told the country that as president he would take our AR-15s and AK-47s.
Now Robert Francis wants to become the next governor of Texas. I guess the former congressman has no talents to offer the private sector because he cannot stop running for public office no matter how often he fails.
O’Rourke announced his gubernatorial campaign in early November.
O’Rourke told CNN’s Dana Bash that same month that he still holds the view he held during his short presidential campaign.
Then O’Rourke told The Texas Tribune he would “continue to stake out the aggressive gun control stance.”
Remember, this is Texas.
A Hispanic rancher confronted O’Rourke at an appearance: “On behalf of the ranchers, oil and gas, the farmers . . . I’m in your grill telling you, don’t come back. We don’t want you here. You ain’t taking my guns, either!”
A poll one month later, December 2021, showed O’Rourke behind current Gov. Greg Abbott by 15 points.
Yes, Texans like their guns.
Are you stunned that O’Routke told reporters in Tyler, TX, that he no longer wants to take your guns? I’m not.

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Not to see what the reaction would be to his reappearance shows how dumb this guy actually is. Unless he wants to make himself a butt of ridicule that will long outlive him. Thankfully, he found his pot of gold. Otherwise he might be selling aluminum siding. Go Beto!
Yes, his pot of gold is accumulating campaign funds for later distribution to himself.
Bobby don’t need no stinking private sector.
“I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone.”
Until elected.
“I’m only interested in getting elected.”
On the Texas SoS site where Beto registered to run, his occupation is listed as “Organizer.” Impressive background.
Congenital liar and serial sleazebag.
He has seen how successful lying is by being up close and involved with FUCK joe biden* who has never told the truth.
He’s lying about the guns and lying about protecting the 2nd Amendment.
Isn’t that Jeff Toobin’s new title?
Fitting, for both.
I dunno. He was moving so fast I couldn’t read it.
This filthy lair could not put a cogent sentence together any more than poopy pants Biden could while handing out crack pipes..
He is a marxist globalist tool. Period. He must be defeated if he is stupid enough to try again.
He doesn’t want your AR-15 but wants to outlaw permit free carry now since it polls better apparently? You know this open borders nut doesn’t respect law enforcement since that puts Texas law enforcement in much greater danger than lawful gun owners.
A gun grabber is a gun grabber regardless of what he is saying on the campaign trail this week. There must be a place for this loon in Delaware?
I categorically refuse to indulge this ‘Beto’ bullshit.
Beta. It’s beta.
Bobby Frank
Or just Bob, for short.
“Let’s Go, Beto!” has a nice ring to it tho
Or, in TX speak: Bobby Frank.
Back a quarter century ago, one of my brothers and I found ourselves together in Austin. And picked up the double name stuff, that we use to this day: John Bob, Tommy Ray, etc.
Billy-Bob: the name he uses every day.
William Robert on formal occasions.
Do you feel the same way about “Ted”, and insist that he must always be called Rafael Edward? How about Bobby Jindal? Is that bullshit, because his name is Piyush?
Jindal asked his friends at the age of 4 to call him “Bobby” after the character on the Brady Bunch. Cruz changed his name to “Ted” at the age of 13. His childhood nickname of “Felito” got him teased so he changed to Ted.
Taken from National Review, “…In the backdrop of the city’s multicultural community, his father, Pat O’Rourke, a consummate politician, once explained why he nicknamed his son Beto: Nicknames are common in Mexico and along the border, and if he ever ran for office in El Paso, the odds of being elected in this mostly Mexican-American city were far greater with a name like Beto than Robert Francis O’Rourke.”
So even at an early age, Beto was useful to pander for votes. That would be the difference. If Jindal and Cruz changed their names for political purposes, then yes, I’d be as critical as I would of Beto or Warren.
O’Rourke was already being called Bet at the age of two. He definitely did not choose it for political reasons. And I find it hard to believe his parents really gave him a nickname at that age in anticipation of a future congressional career. They may have made that as a jest, but it can’t have been their real reason.
You obviously didn’t want to believe what Beto’s father said. Your disbelief is your problem, not mine.
It doesn’t matter what his father said. Beto was a baby, and could not possibly have had any political motive! He couldn’t even say “politics”!
And right on schedule MENSA man shows up in all his pretentious glory to belabor this idiotic point. Never miss a chance to pretend being the tallest midget in the room, right champ?
Puto O’Roarke is one of the most useless human beings this side of (fill in your choice).
What a joke this guy is. You’d think he’d run for dog catcher first – or something.
Every generation has its Lyndon LaRouche.
You mispelled ‘puta’ …
No. She didn’t. Robert Francis is male.
Were he Roberta Frances, puta.
Spanish is a gendered language.
“Robert Francis is male.”
No, he’s not. He’s a pussy.
Well, if Beto has two balls between his legs, he can start rounding up the AR-15s himself, and not sending the police he would gladly defund to do it for him, and let them get hurt.
Don’t send others to do the job for you, you Irish cuck. Put in some work and do the job yourself.
In other news, another leftist promises swear to gaia won’t pursue stated wet dream agenda.
And the taliban pinky swear they are not interested in restraining women’s rights. It was just their opinion as a private entity.
The Puto O’Roarke of the GOP:
Karl Rove Under Fire for Redistricting Failures: He’s ‘Costing Republicans All Over the Country’
Reminds me of that out of touch totally inept Canadian guy.
I think Beeto is just out spending his wife’s inheritance. Him being a well kept soy boy.
This is probably unpopular, but I would not underestimate O’Rourke. He is a dolt, but he is a rich dolt, and that is not counting the millions of dollars of free publicity he will get from the fawning Joseph Goebbels media.
O’Rourke reminds me of William Jefferson Clinton in his ability to appeal to bored, sexually frustrated affluent housewives and single professional women (one female acquaintance, a self-described moderate Republican, called him a “boyfriend candidate”, and meant it as a sincere compliment). And in fairness the O’Rourke campaign greatly out-hustled the lackluster Cruz campaign in 2018 and nearly pulled off the biggest upset in decades in Texas politics. The political environment is more hostile to O’Rourke this time around, but I would not count him out just yet.
Meh, I lived in El Paso, O’Rourke’s home town for ten years, until last year. He is not universally respected or supported even in deep blue EP. IMO, he faces two anchors that will prevent his victory:
1. He’s obviously a professional candidate at this point, not even a career politician, just a perpetual losing candidate
2. His foolish gun grab stance in his failed d/prog presidential bid. That pretty well snuffed out his political future for statewide office in TX.
He is photogenic but the cool skateboard punk rock media hype doesn’t play well as he ages out. Never trust anyone over thirty and so on. He can’t use his youth appeal when he’s no longer young and can’t use his outsider punk rock image when he’s a perpetual insider as the d/prog nominee.
O’Rourke doesn’t have to be popular in blue cities like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and the Peoples Democratic Republic of Austin. He has the political machines in those blue sh*tholes to churn out votes for him.
Moreover the state GOP has become lazy and complacent, which could work to O’Rourke’s advantage. The ultimate Establishment Republican, Cronyn got a mediocre 53.5% of the vote in 2020 against the unabashedly leftist MJ Hegar. Cronyn, like Cruz in 2018, blew much of his big campaign warchest on pricy Washington political consultants instead of advertising and GOTV (in the somewhat reddish East Texas county where I live I saw exactly one Cronyn TV advertisement against a zillion Hegar ads).
Still, I agree that “Beto Fever” seems to have subsided. O’Rourke is still getting a lot more buzz statewide than any Republican, but nothing like what he got in 2018.
But is Beto a cunning linguist like what Gennifer Flowers mentioned was a skill that Bubba possessed?
Just remember how the media gushed over Wendy.
More appropriately, Avenatti.
We’ll should start pronouncing his nickname as “Beat-O” as in “Abbott beat O’Rourke like a drum.”
Just don’t confuse him with Beato (Rick) of Ithaca College fame.
Anyone who believes Beto’s nonsense and actually votes for him deserves what they get.
Maybe this clown and Stacey Abrams can go do something radical together, GET REAL JOBS and disappear.
Beto tried, we were halfway crucified /
We were on the other side /
Of no tomorrow…
Beto lies, you can see it in his eyes
So imagine my “surprise” /
To hear him say this…
(H/T Steely Dan)
It’s always great to see a Steely Dan lyrical reference.
Get the wet finger in the air to see what way the wind is blowing you fraud.
in comparing the two lead photos from this post and the one about jill, is startling how much o’rourke looks like jill but with shorter hair–wonder if they’re related?
This joker is in the same league as Justin Castreau.
That would be like Abortion Barbie suddenly going agnostic on the future of Roe v. Wade.
Forget it, Gun Control Ken — nobody’s buying it.
I guess the former congressman has no talents to offer the private sector because he cannot stop running for public office no matter how often he fails.
Bobo’s talent is spending other people’s money, and he’s very good at it. You are correct that the private sector naturally rejects the parasite. But the Democrats—oh how they love Bobo. He’s their Clown Prince.
Bobby O’Rourke, you’re not just a liar, you are a pathetic liar.
“I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment,” he said. “I want to make sure that we protect our fellow Texans far better than we’re doing right now. And that we listen to law enforcement, which Greg Abbott refused to do. He turned his back on them when he signed that permitless carry bill that endangers the lives of law enforcement in a state that’s seen more cops and sheriff’s deputies gunned down than in any other.”
By felons who have no right to carry. I would be concerned, but Bobby is just going to waste a lot of money and time charging this windmill. I see a book sometime next year.