Airbnb Bans Conservative Columnist Michelle Malkin, Accusing Her of Being a ‘White Nationalist’
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Airbnb Bans Conservative Columnist Michelle Malkin, Accusing Her of Being a ‘White Nationalist’

Airbnb Bans Conservative Columnist Michelle Malkin, Accusing Her of Being a ‘White Nationalist’

“It’s about curtailing underlying power of SPLC & ADL to oppress their most effective political opponents & sabotage every aspect of our professional & personal lives.”

Michelle Malkin and her family have been banned by the temporary housing service Airbnb after accusing her of being a white nationalist.

Malkin, who is of Asian descent, is a conservative columnist and the founder of the popular conservative websites Hot Air and Twitchy.

In recent years, Airbnb embraced guidelines from Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and the Southern Poverty Law Center. This was what led them to falsely label Malkin.

Progressive media outlets have embraced the narrative.

Here’s an article from the Daily Beast via Yahoo News:

Michelle Malkin Banned From Airbnb After Attending Hate Fest

Far-right columnist and white nationalist ally Michelle Malkin has been booted from Airbnb after attending the white nationalist organization American Renaissance’s gathering in Nashville last November.

“Consistent with our policies, if we become aware of users who are members of or are actively affiliated with hate groups, we remove them from Airbnb,” company spokesperson Ben Breit told The Daily Beast on Wednesday. The site also banned Malkin’s husband, she wrote, since her trips were often booked from his account.

“The new twist in my case is Airbnb going after my HUSBAND for simply being married to me. Are my kids next? How about other #AmericaFirst families?” Malkin, a close ally of white nationalist Nicholas Fuentes’ extremist “America First” movement, fumed Wednesday afternoon on Twitter.

“Of course, this latest & ongoing escalation of the deplatforming wars is not just about Airbnb or me,” continued Malkin. “It’s about curtailing underlying power of SPLC & ADL to oppress their most effective political opponents & sabotage every aspect of our professional & personal lives.”

The SPLC has deemed American Renaissance a hate group, while the Anti-Defamation League has called it a “white supremacist journal.”

Tucker Carlson did a segment on this last night, defending Malkin:

Malkin has also addressed the issue on Twitter:

This is nothing more than political harassment and Malkin is right to fight it.

Featured image via YouTube.


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shades of the white hispanic scare during the george martin scare…..

2smartforlibs | February 4, 2022 at 9:09 am

She refers to herself as an ” angry brown woman”.

‘White nationalist.’ Ok, let’s play along. I’m not an attorney, but perhaps there’s one around this place to answer my persistent inquiry: Since AirBnB referenced race as the specific reason for denial of service, how is this not a violation of public accommodation law?

    Milhouse in reply to LB1901. | February 4, 2022 at 9:36 am

    They didn’t. They referenced opinion, and that’s legal. “White” is a race; “white nationalist” is not.

      Far-left columnist and BLM ally Charles Blow has been booted from Airbnb after attending a BLM rally last year…

      Thanks, Milhouse, but I’d like a second opinion on merit.

      Danny in reply to Milhouse. | February 4, 2022 at 12:21 pm

      Calling someone a communist is also an opinion, and not only could you sue for it during McCarthyism some NY lowered the bar for a lawsuit for being called a communist.

      Being called racist/white nationalist/white supremacist is today what being called a communist at the height of McCarthyism was.

      Being opinion and being protected are not the same thing, it never has been the same thing and it never will be, there is plenty of precedent especially from NY on that front.

        Danny in reply to Danny. | February 4, 2022 at 12:51 pm

        Update-While Milhouse is wrong on the general theory that any opinion is protected in this case he is right that MM has no case. Speaking at AR actually does give a basis to the idea you support white nationalism which is more than enough for a judge to prevent any libel lawsuit from ever getting to the jury, any defense attorney would love to see MM sue their client for libel under these circumstances (and she would more than likely have to pay defendants legal fees).

          tbonesays in reply to Danny. | February 4, 2022 at 4:16 pm

          If there is legal recourse against AirBnB it is in contract law, not defamation.

          This would be a juicy plate to run on for politicians. Trump should promise he’ll pass the strongest civil rights act since the Civil Rights Act.

          Milhouse in reply to Danny. | February 5, 2022 at 7:55 pm

          Tbonesays, there’s no recourse to contract law when you have no contract. They’re refusing to contract with her in the first place, so how can she sue them for breaking the contract they refuse to enter into?

          Well, that and she went off the rails a few years ago and thinks of herself as the “mommy” to the groypers. This is all moot because the issue isn’t whether or not she is an alt-right freak with crazy ideas but whether or not it’s okay to discriminate against people based on ideology. I say it’s not.

        Milhouse in reply to Danny. | February 4, 2022 at 5:12 pm

        Danny, the 1950s-era NY law you keep citing was unconstitutional. You can not sue anyone for calling you a communist. You could sue only if you specifically accused someone of being a dues-paying member of CPUSA and it turned out they weren’t, because that’s a matter of objective fact, but merely that they’re a communist is opinion, and opinions can never be defamation. Anyone who’s told you otherwise is wrong.

          Danny in reply to Milhouse. | February 4, 2022 at 11:03 pm

          Could you find where it was overturned by the supreme court because the cases I know involving it did not involve any accusation of membership in the communist party by the defendant, or that wasn’t upheld on appeal.

          The logic of if you call someone a communist you de-facto accused them of membership in the communist party, could just as easily be applied to you de facto called someone a member of the nazi party.

          Whoever told you there is no objective definition of a racist is lying to you.

          If I said it is my opinion you beat your wife, that is an opinion, also defamation.

          A law from the 1950s that was upheld, that was designed for and did effectively counter exactly the problem we on the right face today couldn’t be more relevant.

          Danny in reply to Milhouse. | February 4, 2022 at 11:20 pm

          This is the total list of laws held unconstitutional

          The communist related law did its job at the time making it irrelevant today, unless you want to understand what a state legislature could do about modern McCarthyism.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | February 5, 2022 at 8:18 pm

          Danny, that specific law didn’t need to be overturned, because it was automatically overturned when the Supreme Court ruled that CPUSA membership is protected by the first amendment. Just scan your own list for the string “communis” to find many such cases.

          No case involving this NY statute ever reached the Supreme Court, either because there was no attempt to enforce it, or because such attempts were quashed in the lower courts.

          And no, calling someone a communist does not mean they’re a member of the actual party, so even if accusing someone of such membership were defamatory accusing them of communism would not be.

          Ditto for nazism. You could probably still sue someone if they falsely accused you of having been a member of the actual NSDAP, back in the ’40s. But you can’t sue merely for being called a nazi, because it doesn’t necessarily mean that, and most of the time it doesn’t, especially if you’re under 95.

          If I were to say it is my opinion that you beat your wife, that would not be defamation, because I would have explicitly made it clear that it was just an opinion based on general observations. But if I were to state it as a supposed fact it would be defamation, unless I disclosed exactly why I thought so, and those reasons can be proved false. E.g. if I were to say “Danny beats his wife; I dreamed it last night, and I always trust my dreams”, you could not sue me for that unless you could prove that I didn’t in fact dream it.

          The law from the 1950s was not upheld, so your conclusion therefrom is wrong.

          Look, this is not even slightly controversial. Ask anyone who knows anything about defamation law or first amendment law and they’ll tell you I’m right. If I recall correctly I already pointed you to a piece from Eugene Volokh saying explicitly what I’ve been saying. Surely you don’t doubt his expertise on the topic?!

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | February 5, 2022 at 8:20 pm

          Sorry, I meant to write “can’t be proved false.” Got lost in double negatives.

          Danny in reply to Milhouse. | February 5, 2022 at 11:17 pm

          ” It would seem that the court’s view is the
          correct one. Although it may be argued that individuals exist who approve
          of Marxist principles and communist ideology without actually being members of the Communist Party, the ordinary person would nevertheless infer
          that a person so accused is affiliated with, or a member of, the illegal

          You could see from that it actually was enforced and law suits under that law were made successfully.

          Your libertarianism is not the law and I have used sources that demonstrate that the NY law actually was constitutional and did its job of correctly protecting people from a slander that would destroy them but to debunk your most recent post point by point

          “Danny, that specific law didn’t need to be overturned, because it was automatically overturned when the Supreme Court ruled that CPUSA membership is protected by the first amendment. Just scan your own list for the string “communis” to find many such cases.”

          It was absolutely not. The laws reason for existence was to protect people from a slander that could get their lives destroyed through no fault of their own during McCarthyism, it had nothing to do with potential legal penalties from state or federal law the CPUSA being legalized is not actually relevant to the law because it wasn’t penalizing being a communist.

          Your trying to tie protection against McCarthyism to McCarthyism is at best dishonest and disingenuous and you are in general better than that. Yes Supreme Court ruled against outlawing communist party. Not relevant to a law that made it easier to sue for being a communist that is still on the books today (although irrelevant in a post-McCarthyite world).

          “No case involving this NY statute ever reached the Supreme Court, either because there was no attempt to enforce it, or because such attempts were quashed in the lower courts.”

          Absolutely untrue just use the string search communist for list of state laws ruled unconstitutional. Again you are better than dishonest arguments or just making them up.

          “And no, calling someone a communist does not mean they’re a member of the actual party, so even if accusing someone of such membership were defamatory accusing them of communism would not be.”

          If you were a defense attorney during McCarthyism I think you would have had a zero percent win rate I think contemporary verdicts should speak for themselves for example

          In case you need a second source for the case

          Actual lawsuits from the time did establish according to verdict

          “At the trial of the issue and after extended argument and careful consideration we are of the opinion that the alleged statements are slanderous per se and the jury having found the fact of the making and publishing of one or more of the statements, the motion for judgment n. o. v. must be refused.”

          It is fortunate actual courts from the time period recognized the massive damage being called a communist caused and that people who recklessly threw that accusation around could find they owed thousands of dollars in damages.

          The NY law making it easier to sue during McCarthyism is irrelevant today and would be overturned if enforced today because McCarthyism is over there is no damage from being labelled a communist. It is listed as overturned in no legal documents and actual cases from McCarthyism found that yes the communist accusation was slander.

          Danny in reply to Milhouse. | February 5, 2022 at 11:37 pm

          You also seem to have a delusional concept that calling someone a white supremacist is an opinion, it simply isn’t.

          White Supremacist has a definition, it is a very specific thing, words do in fact have meaning (every single ruling on every libel issue in American and British legal history establishes that words have meaning).

          Now saying “I have no evidence that he is a white supremacist but I think he is anyway” would be one thing when you say “He is a white supremacist” that is a statement of fact. If I was sued by American Renaissance for the way I called them white supremacists here I wouldn’t have an opinion defense (I very clearly stated as a matter of fact they are white supremacist scum) so I would just use their own words from their own website to prove there is a basis to my claim.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | February 6, 2022 at 12:46 am

          Danny, go ask someone, anyone, who knows about defamation law. They will tell you exactly what I am: saying someone is a white supremacist, or a racist, is not a statement of fact. It is a conclusion, which is a kind of opinion, and therefore is not defamation.

          Here’s that Volokh piece again. Do you seriously think you know better than him on this topic?!

      gonzotx in reply to Milhouse. | February 4, 2022 at 4:00 pm

      I don’t agree with you, white regardless of what comes after is a race!

        Milhouse in reply to gonzotx. | February 4, 2022 at 4:40 pm

        White bread is a race?! Whitewash? The White House? There are races on Whitsunday, but Whitsunday is not a race!

Michelle Malkin has been called every name in the book, plus a few new ones. Since she doesn’t look light enough to be called a white anything, she is often referred to as some version of “race traitor.” As if opinions have a skin color.

AirBnB didn’t actually call her a white nationalist. They said she supported them. This is, of course, a lie. Remember that. The SPLC “identifying” some organization as being a hate group has nothing to do with WHY she was banned. It was just an excuse.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to irv. | February 4, 2022 at 10:18 am

    AirBnB didn’t actually call her a white nationalist. They said she supported them. This is, of course, a lie.

    And since it is a lie it is defamation. So Malkin should lawyer up and sue AirBNB for defamation of character.

      Nope. She did unquestionably speak at a rally of a group that in SPLC’s opinion is white nationalist. That opinion is wrong, as are all SPLC’s opinions, because SPLC is a poisonous scam operation, but opinions are not defamation.

    Danny in reply to irv. | February 4, 2022 at 12:38 pm

    AR actually is a white supremacist organization, and we as a movement actually do need to keep them at arms length. I think MM deserves benefit of the doubt that she just didn’t do her homework before accepting an opportunity to broadcast herself but looking at what they call racial awakening yes they do need to be shunned. This is from their website promoted by them

    “Whites founded America, and they are the only race capable of maintaining America. America is white. White is the prerequisite for all the other freedoms and luxuries we enjoy. When white people go, all the benefits of white society will go along with them. Demography is destiny. If that makes me “racist,” so be it.”

    If that isn’t racist nothing is. I had never heard of those scumbags before this article caused me to look them up, and I am glad I did because we all need to know who the actual scum are to avoid rightly being tarred for associating with them.

    If you gave a speech for the communist party of America in 1950 you better believe a blacklist of you would have happened. MM should have done her homework and avoided doing the equivalent today.

      JRaeL in reply to Danny. | February 4, 2022 at 2:50 pm

      I just visited their site and I am appalled that anyone here would believe AR is laudable. Not arguing that MM had no right to speak at their event or have her work on their site but she sure is showing poor judgment in doing so. What I read (at brief glance, I admit) clearly shows White Supremacist writ large. From their site,

      “…That race is an important aspect of individual and group identity, that different races build different societies that reflect their natures, and that it is entirely normal for whites (or for people of any other race) to want to be the majority race in their own homeland. ”

      Writing on a White homeland smacks of Aryan Brotherhood crap. Personally I don’t believe that there is a “White society.” As the variety of ethnic origins and personal experience are hardly homogeneous pointing to one big groupthink. I do believe in the values of Western civilization (especially those coming out of Judeo_Christian beliefs) which are attainable by and beneficial to all races.

      I am quite sure giving the AR a long harm would make Jesus happy.

        Danny in reply to JRaeL. | February 4, 2022 at 10:48 pm

        I think we agree completely, places like AR are gigantic embarrassments and we are better off without them.

          JRaeL in reply to Danny. | February 4, 2022 at 11:46 pm

          It appears we are the only ones.

          Is SPLC full of bovine flatulance? Yes.
          Is Michelle a racist? No.
          Does her speaking at an AR event mean she agrees on all matters with them? No.
          Is Air BNB going a bit (o.k. a great deal) overboard in their blanket banishment? Yes.

          Defending her right to speak wherever she decides does not go hand in hand with pretending AR is not espousing opinions that clearly have White Supremacist overtones.

          I am now posting excerpts from AR archive article titled “The Human Animal” a review on “Erectus Walks Among Us.” by Richard D. Fuerle. Reading it I wanted to pound the screen or vomit or both. I dare anyone to claim this writing is not racist.

          “Some of this book’s most provocative observations, however, are about mating. An essential difference in the environments in which blacks and whites evolved, writes Mr. Fuerle, is that in the tropics there was so much food that a woman could, if necessary, rear a child to maturity without the help of a man. In the harsher north, a woman needed a hunter — a man — to provide for her and her children. This led to pair bonding, because children could not survive without it, and the tendency to bond was passed to future generations. Africans, on the other hand, evolved less pair bonding because it was less necessary.

          In primates with little pair bonding, there can be much promiscuity. Males therefore compete with each other not only in the number of females they mate with but in the amount of sperm they produce, because if a female has mated with several males, the one that deposits the most sperm has an advantage. When chimpanzee females are in heat they are extremely promiscuous. As a consequence, male chimpanzees have evolved the largest ratio of testicle weight to body weight of any primate.”

          Humans pursue similar strategies. In the promiscuous tropics, men competed by producing more sperm. Africans, therefore, have the largest testicles and Asians have the smallest. Mr. Fuerle notes that testicles, like brains, are very costly, and increased size in either leaves fewer resources for other organs. ”

          Defend that content. I sure pray nobody here does.

      gonzotx in reply to Danny. | February 4, 2022 at 4:02 pm

      It happens to be true

        Danny in reply to gonzotx. | February 4, 2022 at 10:46 pm

        Accidently rated your post positive, did you mean it is true what I said that AR is racist or were you agreeing with the racist comment I very easily found on their webpage?

1) Has the ADL always been trash?

2) If “white” is no longer a race, but a some type of mental state, then are white supremacists still racist?

SeekingRationalThought | February 4, 2022 at 9:39 am

I use Airbnb on a regular basis. No more.

My list of individuals and organizations that will need to be dealt with in the future continues to grow.

Apparently “coconut” is the brown equivalent of “oreo”.

Aren’t the Communists running Airbnb engaging in anti-Asian hate? Or is this Example #47,813,748 of “It’s different when we do it, so shut your misogyny holes you racists!”?

    Having a policy that if you speak at a white supremacist organization we don’t want you isn’t unreasonable.

    This is from American Renaissance’ own website, a featured article

    “Whites founded America, and they are the only race capable of maintaining America. America is white. White is the prerequisite for all the other freedoms and luxuries we enjoy. When white people go, all the benefits of white society will go along with them. Demography is destiny. If that makes me “racist,” so be it.”

    She did the modern equivalent of being a major speaker at a conference of the Communist Party in 1950.

    I believe I have demonstrated easily that AR is in fact the racist junk it is accused of being.

      Having a policy that if you speak at a white supremacist organization we don’t want you isn’t unreasonable.

      “Totalitarian” is the word you should use (but won’t). Do you really want corporations using your political positions to decide what you are allowed to buy or sell?

      I believe I have demonstrated easily that AR is in fact the racist junk it is accused of being.

      Er…no. Here is another quote from their website:

      Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society — language, religion, class, ideology — it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of some of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century.

      The problems of race cannot be solved without adequate understanding. Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse. Progress requires the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological. This approach is known as race realism.

      We also believe that whites, like all racial groups, have legitimate interests that must be defended. The defense of those interests is white advocacy. We seek to advance only those interests that we recognize and would defend for all other racial groups. We seek no advantages as whites — only the expression of preferences for our own people and culture that are taken for granted by people of other races but denied to us.

      That is hardly racist. It is too race conscious for my taste – whatever happened to being judged by the content of our characters instead of the color of our skins? – but I hear far worse being regularly spewed by domestic terrorist groups like BLM and their allies in the Joseph Goebbels media. And I don’t recall the suits at Airbnb having a problem with BLM’s loud-and-proud black supremacy:

      This is a deadly precedent you seek to set, or are at least willing to tolerate. It’s all fun and games when this kind of power is used to humiliate the hated Trumpanzees like Malkin, but what makes you sure that you and your lefty GOPe pals won’t one day be on the receiving end?

        The left uses more crude language and often go farther, but you just quoted AR and your own quote establishes they believe in racial characteristics which is racist. The fact that they do on parts of their own website go as far as the left does anyway….yes they are racist. The left also being racist doesn’t acquit them.

        Trump called her an idiot in 2016, and now it seems like he did that for a reason.

        They are enforcing a standard that I and the vast majority of Americans agree with which is we don’t like white nationalism. AR is what it is accused of being, and we should have nothing to do with it. MM was being what Trump called her (an idiot).

        There will be community standards in any nation.

        I am disappointed someone who used to be as prominent as MM decided to beclown herself the way she did.

Slightly off topic. Airbnb is horrible partner for property owners in my experience. I had a few short term rental properties in vacation areas and Airbnb was one booking source. They unilaterally change rental prices and terms/conditions. Cancelled reservations and damages to the property were a huge problem. Some guy books months in advance then cancels the day of or day prior to arrival or even two days post arrival date and they won’t do squat. Same for over occupancy; guy wants a two bedroom with a sleeper sofa and lists 4 adults +1 child when booking then shows up with 6 adults two of whom don’t want the sleeper. Airbnb response? They refund the guest, find them an alternative and stiff the property owner. Damages? Don’t get me started.

My advice to any property owner is to do your own booking or use a local agent/property management outfit. Then ensure that if they also list with third party such as Airbnb that each instance of indirect booking through a third party site like Airbnb is a sub let by the property manager. That way you can hold the line on cancellations, overlooking and damages because it’s between you and your local property management. My two cents.

    henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | February 4, 2022 at 5:24 pm

    My experience with AirBnB parallels yours. Over six years, they consistently delivered us an inordinate number of low-value inquiries from high-maintenance types. People who would ask to book dates that were already clearly booked. Ignoramuses who thought we were “in the Four Corners area,” or “within biking distance of Sedona,” or were “looking forward to having Christmas in the snow” (learn how to read a damn map, morons). People who absolutely had to bring their pets to an allergy-free accommodation clearly marked “no pets.” People who would hold a reservation for five months and then cancel the week before, after I had turned down more-profitable longer-term bookings that conflicted with those dates. I even had one goofball who wanted to know if we would prepare the house by having it spirit-swept by some medicine man (at our cost).

    In 2016, AirBnB demanded I sign a loyalty oath, pledging that I would “commit to treat everyone—regardless of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or age—with respect, and without judgment or bias.” I responded that the request was offensive and insulting, and told them to cancel my account immediately.

    I worked through VRBO/HomeAway for 20 years with near zero agida, and would not deal with AirBnB again for a no-show position with Burisma.

      AirBnB has some real humdingers of stories from renters and landlords alike. I’m going to look into VRBO/HomeAway as you suggested. The wife and I are normally motels all the way there and back when we travel (hot tub needed due to wife’s knees) but a change of pace could be educational. Thanks.

        CommoChief in reply to georgfelis. | February 4, 2022 at 6:17 pm

        One idea I recommend is to search the area/town for local management v Airbnb or VRBO. quick hack:
        1. Find a property you like and open it up
        2. Vrbo lists ‘hosted by name’ do a web search of that name and the location name and it may show the local management direct contact info.
        3. By contacting directly and not through VRBO you will likely get a lower price as VBRO is eliminated from the folks getting a cut of the rental cost

        Usually this works but not always.

Can’t fix the willfully stupid. Let ’em talk, the deluded will soon enough marginalize themselves out of existence. Malkin scares them because she speaks truth.

America is filled with repulsive woke Red-Guard monsters. Like the Red Guard in China in the 1960s, they are woke idiots who will cancel you, fire you, and try to humiliate you in public. They point accusatory fingers at everyone, calling them “racists.” They use that word like a club to beat people with, just like the communist Red Guard. They propagandize your children in schools. They have torn our culture apart, taking down our statutes, erased our history, and imported tens of millions of third-world rejects to replace us. These are the same disgusting and vile creatures that murdered 100 million people in communist countries. When they gain control here, they will not stop with canceling people, they will continue this grisly murdering spree. That’s who they are. They have shown their colors in every communist country they’ve controlled.

I will happily provide bed and breakfast to Michelle any time. FOC

What a coincidence, I’ve banned Airbnb from my travel plans for the foreseeable future.

Marxist sociology professors have redefined many words and terms in the last few decades.

They’ve redefined racist so that only whitey can be racist.

And they’ve redefined ‘white nationalist’ so that anyone of any skin color can be a white nationalist.

What they are really saying is that anyone who benefited from or supports Western Civilization is evil. Because Western Civilization created and promoted capitalism and the capitalist economic system. And the remedy is, of course, Marxism. Moar Marxism. The moar Marxism the better. Most of them haven’t yet quite come completely out of the closet yet on the last part. It’s still more implied rather than openly stated.

The highly credentialed arrogant white Karens and media types they have indoctrinated, and who are their greatest disciples, are too stupid and ignorant of anything other than the Marxist version of history and economics to see this. They are currently the most useful of the useful idiots.

What is American Renaissance? That would be at the center of any opinion on this. While her speaking at a rally of white supremacists would be absurd on its face, if it actually happened that would make this ban make sense.

I had no interest in American Renaissance and hope the MM didn’t do her homework because I looked it up just now and if MM sued she would lose on grounds that there is a basis to what BnB did

This is from their website (I will absolutely not link it here I don’t want to get the LI staff in trouble for hosting the link)

“This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.”

Red flags should be set up from that alone but it gets better if MM sues claiming not to have been a white nationalist

“I’m a white man in my 30s. I grew up in a community that was about 95 percent white. The few non-white schoolmates I had were a mixed bag — some were nice and polite, some were juvenile, some were bullies. So growing up, I didn’t really understand why there was such animosity toward other races amongst certain older family members. All of that changed when I went to college. I attended a state university in a big city. It was the first time I had encountered non-whites in large numbers. Some of them attended the same university as me, others simply lived in the city and “adventured” (loitered) around campus. Their behavior startled me. They were loud, rude, imposing, delinquent, and aggressive. They had chips on their shoulders and used it as an excuse for anything and everything. After a while, I learned that it was generally best to avoid them.”

So we have a man who avoids non-whites (if he actually exists I highly doubt it and to judge from actual interactions in America between races nobody else has had his experiences)

It gets even better for the defense attorney

“Whites founded America, and they are the only race capable of maintaining America. America is white. White is the prerequisite for all the other freedoms and luxuries we enjoy. When white people go, all the benefits of white society will go along with them. Demography is destiny. If that makes me “racist,” so be it.”

If that isn’t explicitly racist I’m Emperor Trajan, the Roman Empire is back and we have just invaded America which will be surrendering any second paving the way for Rome to rule all of Earth.

Or alternatively it is racist, it is being promoted by AR, which is a racist institution and MM by speaking at one of their events shackled herself to it and shackled herself to the consequences.

I know this isn’t going to be a popular opinion, and I don’t think MM shares the racist beliefs of AR but a broken clock is right twice a day and we do have to police our movement to keep things like AR out.

Tucker Carlson is right race essentialism from any angle is evil.

    CommoChief in reply to Danny. | February 4, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    One point you overlooked was the similarity in one paragraph you cited to the argument re ‘white flight’ which is widely cited in some leftist circles as a cause of deteriorating urban core neighborhoods. IMO arguing that the presence or absence of any ‘racial group’ is the determining factor for or against success is racist.

    The quote you question the authenticity of doesn’t really seem overly objectionable on its face. We seem to have a story of a county mouse come to the city and unfamiliar with the social and cultural norms of city mice. He couldn’t accept those differences as simply that; differences. Instead he seems to have viewed those differences as threatening or intimidating. He implies but does not explicitly state any violent or verbal confrontation actually occurred. Confining ourselves to what you quoted he seems to have been unable to accept that differences do exit between individuals and groups and been unable to overlook them to broaden his experience. Unfortunately the lack of acceptance for differences cuts in all directions despite our progress.

    I agree about the last quoted paragraph being over the top. We absolutely need to reject this racist claptrap and disassociate from it.

      I mostly agree with what you said, and yes I do agree the first paragraph is nowhere near as bad as the second, although lack of any specifics (not even something as broad as the name of his state) raises red flags to me that AR created a fictitious person for others to follow.

      There are other mostly minor reasons why I am convinced AR just invented a guy they hope others will emulate but something this minor is something we could easily agree to disagree on I’m glad we agree on the need to police our own movement which is key however.

        CommoChief in reply to Danny. | February 4, 2022 at 10:40 pm

        Absolutely we need to police our own but according to objective standards not SJW make believe or those that only seem to be applied d v conservatives. We can’t go far wrong with using our aspirational founding documents and the writings of a few key later figures; Lincoln and MLK as a start.

The diveristists speak truth through projection. Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) is a belief of the Pro-Choice religion of Progressive Churches, Synagogues, Corporations, Clinics, etc. breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion

So, we’re going to need a Green Book for people who are openly conservatives, now?

I checked with our local chapter,, nope,, she is not on our white nationalist rolls. Maybe it is another state? I’ll have to check with the regional leadership.

SMH We are way down the rabbit hole.

Leftists cheer when corporations use their power to punish people who are not leftist. And then they call the “punished”, Fascists.

Our society has become stupid.