Activists at Texas A&M University Planning Walkout and Protest During Matt Walsh Event

Why must we go through this ridiculous theater every single time a conservative speaks on a college campus?

From the YAF blog:

Texas A&M Leftists Plan Walkout and Protest of YAF’s Matt Walsh EventFar-left activists at Texas A&M University are coordinating a protest and walkout against Young America’s Foundation’s campus lecture featuring Matt Walsh, according to internal documents obtained by YAF.Students have devised a 6-step plan to disrupt the TAMU Young Americans for Freedom chapter’s event on Wednesday, detailing plans to play “a recording of the S.T.A.R. manifesto” (S.T.A.R. stands for Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries) and chanting pro-transgender messages to interrupt the event.According to the internal document, leftists plan to start their protest 10-20 minutes into the lecture, “enough time for any overflow crowd outside the room to disperse so that they cannot take our place when we leave.” They encourage protestors to wear business casual clothing, “in addition to dressing cisgender and heterosexual-passing.” The document did not clarify what “dressing cisgender” means.“If you are questioned or draw attention due to your voice, appearance, or gender presentation, explain that you are attending the talk to earn credit for a political science or philosophy class,” the document states.“Once the recording plays, if you are not already wearing a COVID mask, please put one on so that your face is unrecognizable. Stand up and raise your left fist..” before beginning the chants, the document reads.The Texas A&M YAF chapter has shared the Google Doc with security officials, to hinder any attempts at disrupting the event.“Free speech is one of the core tenants of our nation, and at TAMU YAF, we advocate for everyone’s right to exercise it,” said TAMU YAF Chairman Caleb Haisler. “We also believe in civil discourse and invite those who disagree with us or our speakers to make their opinions known, but we want them to do it respectfully. Attempting to disrupt our event is not professional or respectful, and it does not display the tolerance these liberals claim to champion.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Texas