VA Gov. Youngkin Hires Anti-CRT Scholar As Chief Diversity, Opportunity, and Inclusion Officer
According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sailor has frequently “criticized school lessons on systemic racism in the U.S.”

Fresh off his surprise victory in the Virginia gubernatorial election, Republican Glenn Youngkin has hit the ground running. On his first day as governor, Youngkin fulfilled several campaign promises with a series of executive orders. The first, Executive Order One, directed state agencies to root out and ban Critical Race Theory from Virginia’s public schools. His follow up actions have been just as bold. On January 19, he restructured the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—created by Democratic former Governor Ralph Northam in 2019 after his blackface scandal—and hired a new cabinet-level officer. Youngkin has hired Angela Sailor as Chief Diversity, Opportunity, and Inclusion Officer.
Sailor, an African-American woman, has a long and distinguished background in conservative politics. She served most recently as vice president of The Feulner Institute at The Heritage Foundation. She previously served in the Department of Education, at the Republican National Committee, and as Director of African-American Affairs for George W. Bush’s Victory 2000 Presidential Campaign. According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sailor has frequently “criticized school lessons on systemic racism in the U.S.”
As an example, Sailor co-authored an article for Heritage in October, 2021, that begins:
Today’s fights against critical race theory, which argues that America is systemically racist, may seem new, but they’re not. CRT certainly has received a lot of attention lately. But past surveys of parents show that current concerns about teaching America’s heritage were deeply shared in the previous generation.
More than 20 years ago, the nonpartisan organization Public Agenda surveyed 801 parents for their views on civic education. The results were published in 1998 as A Lot to Be Thankful For: What Parents Want Children to Learn about America. Parents then, as now, said they were ready to take action to give their kids a solid civic education.
Notably, as Youngkin hired Sailor to the new position, he also renamed the office first created by Northam in 2019:
As he named Sailor to the post, Youngkin also issued an executive order to refocus the office, tasking Sailor and her staff to work on economic opportunity, cooperation among different religious groups, promoting “free speech and civil discourse” at colleges and universities, and ensuring that the state’s history curriculum is “honest, objective, and complete.”
According to the order, first reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sailor will also work on “eliminating disparities in prenatal care, and be an ambassador for unborn children.” Youngkin has said he opposes abortion. He supports exceptions in cases of rape, incest or when the mother’s life is in jeopardy.
Within the Cabinet, Sailor’s title will be “chief diversity, opportunity and inclusion officer,” swapping the word “equity” for “opportunity.” Youngkin said he will back legislation to legally change the title of the office.
Youngkin released a statement on the hiring of Sailor, saying:
The people of Virginia elected the most diverse leadership in the Commonwealth’s history. Virginia is big enough for the hopes and dreams of a diverse people. Angela Sailor’s experience in government, nonprofits and the private sector will guide us as we ensure that the government is working for all Virginians across our diverse Commonwealth, especially when it comes to economic opportunity for all Virginians. In addition, I will introduce and support legislation to change the name of the office to the Diversity, Opportunity and Inclusion Office.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch later noted, rather perfunctorily, “The office has been unstaffed since its former chief and her four staffers, who served at the will of the governor, were not asked to stay in their jobs.”
Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available at Jeff hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff, on Parler at @RealJeffReynolds, and on Gab at @RealJeffReynolds.

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It’s still incredibly early which means there’s a lot of time for Youngkin to disappoint. But thus far, I really like what I’m seeing particularly considering he didn’t market himself as an uber-conservative.
He is “normal”
DEI should be renamed the Department of Excellence and Achievement
The city landfills will soon be full of soaking wet Democrat nappies.
“She ain’t black”.
The left entrenched in power in our government is not going to go quietly. In fact, the former American military is training to kill US citizens:
US Army Guerrilla Warfare Exercise to Target “Freedom Fighters”
Never forget history, and the Nazi rise to power: millions of pages have been written by people having lived through it, incredulous how one night they went to sleep and the next day there were governed by the Nazi party.
Kitty Werthmann survived Hitler.
“What I am about to tell you is something you’ve probably never heard or read in history books,” she likes to tell audiences.
“I am a witness to history.
She survived Hitler and wants to warn America:“I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. Adolph Hitler. “We voted him in.”
Joe Biden Threatens Americans in Angry Rant About Going Against the Government:
Listen to the puppet president when he makes threats: those words were carefully written for him. And never forget who is in charge of the monopoly of force in America: crazy Merrick Garland, dumb Lloyd Austin and the corrupt Mark Miley.
It’s coming. And the likes of McConnell and McCarthy aren’t going to stop it. The likes of Cotton, Cruz, Jordan and Trump might.
From the famous 29 Palms Questionaire,
“Veteran readers of THE NEW AMERICAN are vibrantly aware of the May 10, 1994 “Combat Arms Survey” administered to 300 active-duty Marines at the USMC’s Air-Ground Combat Center, Twenty-Nine Palms, California. Among its 46 questions, the Marines were asked if they would be willing to swear to a United Nations code of conduct and if they would fire on Americans who refused to turn over their privately owned weapons to the government. Other questions sought their approval or disapproval about their involvement in an assortment of operations far removed from proper military assignments, some of which would even place them under formal UN command. ”
The New American is alive, well, and still publishing,
“The office has been unstaffed since its former chief and her four staffers, who served at the will of the governor, were not asked to stay in their jobs.”
What a curious construction. I was never asked to stay in any of my jobs. I just kept showing up because nobody was asking me to leave.
Hell, I’d hope he said GTFOH
I was pretty nervous about Youngkin, he seemed like he was going to be a squish.
So far he has far exceeded expectations. Conservatives need to take note – the liberals are going to hate you regardless, so you better deliver what the people that actually put you in office want.
Total Fail. Instead of trumpeting his awesomeness with this hire he should have abolished the entire position as a waste of taxpayer money.
I suspect that there is a legislative mandate for the office, so he’s doing his best to reposition it to work against CRT, using the funding that is allocated.
Is there? Maybe, so if true he could just keep the office and fire everyone in it making it a paper office. All I have been able to find so far is that former Gov Blackface created the office in the wake of his picture scandal. Sounds like it was created by Executive Order.
Found it. VA § 2.2-435.12. Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; duties. So it is a law, however, it establishes the position not an entire Department so fire all of the Department.
Thanks for getting me to research this more thoroughly
And while we’re on the subject of CRT and Virginia…
Fight For Schools has discovered today that Loudoun’s Superintendent throwing his “Title IX” officer under the bus for mishandling the two school rapes was move of desperation.
According to the official document, the Superintendent himself was the Title IX officer at the time of both rapes and for a couple months on each side. The sacrificial goat didn’t take the poition until November.
Communists: Taking everything but the blame since 1851.
If Youngkin is worth a damn, we will soon find out.
Taking that DIE office and turning it against the Marxists is a good idea if it actually happens, but I think all of us on the right hand side want to see results outside of the elections.
Putting the controlled opposition Republicans into power for a few years is no longer acceptable. We want the Marxists removed and then banished from American society. Anything less than that is failure.
My 0.02 cents worth.