Truckers Still Bringing Canada’s Capital City of Ottawa to Standstill in Fight for Freedom

Protesters against a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the US-Canada border have brought Canada’s capital city of Ottawa to a standstill for another day.

Sadly, it appears that infiltrators may have managed to wreak some havoc on what has been a very peaceful event.

Police have started investigations after several incidents, including the appearance of swastika flags and footage of a woman dancing on the tomb of the unknown soldier.Defence Minister Anita Anand said the incidents were “beyond reprehensible”.Ottawa police said in a Twitter post that “several” investigations were now under way into the “desecration” of a number monuments in the capital city, as well as “threatening/illegal/intimidating behaviour to police/city workers and other individuals and damage to a city vehicle”.

Conservative media and supporting groups have been documenting these disruptions and false flag operations. Rewards for information have been posted.

The Saskatchewan premier has now written a letter of support for the truckers and is demanding an end to vaccine mandates.

In the letter, Premier Scott Moe also called for an end to the vaccination mandates for truckers to cross the Canadian border.”Because vaccination is not reducing transmission, the current federal border policy for truckers makes no sense,” Moe said. “An unvaccinated trucker does not pose any greater risk of transmission than a vaccinated trucker.”Moe stated that he is fully vaccinated and believes in the COVID-19 vaccine’s ability to “prevent people from becoming seriously ill.”He encouraged everyone to get vaccinated but recanted his position on the vaccination mandates, saying they are an economic liability.”The current federal policy does pose a significant risk to Canada’s economy and to the supply chain in our Saskatchewan communities,” Moe wrote. “This federal policy will increase the cost of living, which is now rising at a rate that is creating significant hardship for many Canadians.”

Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now earned a new nickname after he fled with his family to a secure area: Cut-and-Run Justin.

Disdainful media, of course, spent days warning of violence to come and searched supporters’ messages for evidence of racism. “ ‘So many angry people’: Experts say online conversation around trucker convoy veering into dangerous territory” read a CTV News headline. CBC, Canada’s PBS and NPR, called Saturday’s protest “a raucous demonstration that has police on high alert for possible violence even as organizers urge the crowd to be peaceful.” Police said that night that “no incidents of violence or injuries” were reported and no protesters faced charges.The elite media also paint the protesters as stupid hicks, claiming they don’t understand that provincial governments all have restrictions that Ottawa can do nothing about. But Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe told truckers he supports their “call to end the cross border ban on unvaccinated truckers” and announced his government will soon “be ending our proof of negative test/proof of vaccination policy in Saskatchewan.”“If one province would do it I think the rest will follow suit,” the supporter who told me the Moe news mused.That “small fringe minority” might end up doing a lot more than simply scaring Cut-and-Run Justin.

Tags: Canada, Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022, Justin Trudeau, Wuhan Coronavirus