The Left Turns Against Chicago Teachers Union as Classes Canceled Again Over COVID

The left finally realizes that school closures and remote teaching are not good for kids. It ruins their education and well-being. I’d be happy if the kids hadn’t already lost a year of school, which led to suicides and a mental health crisis.

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) shut down the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on Wednesday because they are sssssoooo concerned about Covid even though literally everyone else is doing just fine.

I’d take the CTU seriously if they didn’t constantly try to start fights and interrupt school. It seems every year they find some excuse

They refuse to strike a deal with CPS so classes won’t happen again on Thursday.

The right went after CTU but guess what. The left, including a surprise person, criticized CTU as well.

Nikole Hannah-Jones. Yes, Hannah-Jones made sense to me.

Yes, let’s ask a teacher who also happens to be a teacher.

How about a parent?

A student!

My mind is blown. I’m hoping this brings the CTU down a peg or two. Even Psaki said schools have all they need to remain open.

Has the CTU not seen that there are literally no COVID tests? It’s like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!

CPS is ticked off:

CPS representatives blasted the decision in a late Tuesday statement, saying they are “deeply concerned” about how it will affect the health, safety and well-being of district students and families.“Despite six months of active, good-faith discussions with the CTU, despite the fact that more than 90 percent of our staff is vaccinated, despite proven and implemented COVID-19 safety measures, and despite little evidence of in-school transmission, our teachers are not willing to report to work,” the CPS statement read.

Tags: Chicago, Education, Illinois, Teachers union, Wuhan Coronavirus