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Parents in Michigan Suburb Object to School’s ’21-Day Equity Challenge’

Parents in Michigan Suburb Object to School’s ’21-Day Equity Challenge’

“At some point, we have to say enough is enough and stop the indoctrination and actually let kids learn the things they are meant to learn”

Schools are supposed to teach critical skills like math, reading, and spelling, but they seem far more interested in teaching concepts out of Critical Race Theory.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Twenty-one days to brainwash your child

The parents of Farmington Hills, Michigan (a suburb 25 miles outside of downtown Detroit), were none too pleased to discover recently that their school board was forcing students to take a “21-Day Equity Challenge” as part of the district’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion” curriculum.

Parents brought their concerns to a public school board meeting last week, but the school board members were not responsive to their objections.

“At some point, we have to say enough is enough and stop the indoctrination and actually let kids learn the things they are meant to learn,” one unidentified protester said at the meeting.

The school board has since removed the 21-Day Equity Challenge curriculum from its website, but school board members said they would continue using the program.

The 21-Day Challenge was designed by a nonprofit organization called the Privilege Institute, which is dedicated to “disrupting the systemic structure of white supremacy, white privilege and other forms of oppression.”

For each day of the challenge, students are asked to read an essay such as Ta-Nehisi Coates’s “The Case for Reparations” or Kwame Anthony Appiah’s “I’m Jewish and Don’t Identify as White. Why Must I Check That Box?”

They can also watch videos such as critical race theory founder Kimberle Crenshaw’s TED Talk on “the urgency of intersectionality” or Blue Seat Studios’s “defund the police” video that explains “the racist origins of U.S. policing, and paints a vision for what shifting resources from police budgets to housing, food, and other basic life needs can look like.”


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“The school board has since removed the 21-Day Equity Challenge curriculum from its website, but school board members said they would continue using the program.”

First, admit no wrong.

Second, design messaging intended to defuse the controversy.

Third: Do not retreat! Continue doing what you must do!

Fourth: (Still; to come apparently) push back hard against the evil counterrevolutionary forces who would prevent you from doing what you know in your heart is the right thing!

Abolish public schools

Stay vigilant parents. This is a fight we must win.

How about: just fire the insubordinates and find real teachers. Apart from an apparent dearth if real teachers, this should be the plan. But if having no teachers is a zero and having good ones is a plus, surely having these demons is worse than having none at all.

My guess is that the BLM and defund the po po movements this year cost the lives of at least 500 more black people murdered, and maybe even as many as a thousand. I am sure they won’t want this to get out, sort of like the opposite result of what they said would happen. Maybe they can put out some VHS tapes on late night TV called “Thugs Gone Wild.”