Mind-Numbed Virtue Signaling: M&M’s Makes Changes to Characters in the Name of ‘Inclusiveness’

Of all the things “wokeness” had to come for, it had to target M&M’s.

Yep, the candy loved by millions worldwide and which has been around for over 80 years is being given brand makeover in the name of “inclusiveness” according to an announcement made Thursday by Mars, Incorporated:

At Mars we believe that in the world we want tomorrow, society is inclusive. And, as one of our most iconic brands, M&M’S is announcing a new global commitment to create a world where everyone feels they belong.M&M’S has been around for more than 80 years and this year the brand continues to evolve to reflect the more dynamic, progressive world that we live in. And as part of this evolution, built on purpose, M&M’S promises to use the power of fun to include everyone with a goal of increasing the sense of belonging for 10 million people around the world by 2025.[…]The refreshed M&M’S brand will include a more modern take on the looks of our beloved characters, as well as more nuanced personalities to underscore the importance of self-expression and power of community through storytelling. Fans will also notice an added emphasis on the ampersand to more prominently demonstrate how the brand aims to bring people together. M&M’S branding will also reflect an updated tone of voice that is more inclusive, welcoming, and unifying, while remaining rooted in our signature jester wit and humor.

They included a video along with the announcement, where changes were noticed in some of the M&M characters:

Most notable was that the green (female) M&M’s go-go boots were gone, which the candy made light of in a later tweet:

The differences so far appear mainly in the shoes. The brown M&M, which was the other female, is now wearing what presumably are more sensible high heels. The blue M&M also no longer appears “caucasian” white and instead is wearing what looks like white sleeves and leggings:

Even on the M&M’s promo website, the green M&M – which previously had been branded as kind of the “sexy” M&M, now identifies as a “hypewoman“:

What’s your best quality?Being a hypewoman for my friends. I think we all win when we see more women in leading roles, so I’m happy to take on the part of supportive friend when they succeed.

Popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson made fun of the changes during a Friday segment, saying they were designed to to turn people off, which would mean “equity,” at least in the left’s eyes, had been achieved:

The satire website “Babylon Bee” had some fun with the news, turning it into a “story” about how Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was not going to allow the change in his state:

Others were quick to point out that Mars, Inc. maybe had more pressing issues they should be worried about than gender neutralizing their characters:

Fair point.

Will most critics of Mars, Inc.’s “woke” moves lose sleep over the changes? Nope. Is what Mars has done still stupid, though? Absolutely.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Culture, Political Correctness, Progressives