Liberal Justices Spread COVID Misinformation During Vaccine Arguments

sonya sotomayor religious test supreme court

SCOTUS Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor displayed their ignorance on COVID stats when hearing arguments against Biden’s vaccine mandate.

As Bill wrote this morning: The first case, which has received the most attention, involves OSHA’s large employer vaccinate or test mandate (dockets here and here), and the second case involves a CMS mandate for healthcare workers (dockets here and here). In the OSHA case various states and other are suing to stop the OSHA order, in the CMS case the Biden administration is suing to reinstate the mandate after it was thrown out by a lower court.

We know vaccinated people can still get sick and transmit COVID to another person. We know there are 951 children in the hospital with COVID. From COVID though? Of course, they don’t separate the two!

We also know the Omicron strain is less severe than the Delta strain. Fauci has repeated this many times.

Let’s see what our leftist SCOTUS justices have to say! They’re smart, right? They have to know the facts, right? They would never come to an oral argument without the facts, right?

I would laugh, but these people will decide if the government can force us to inject a substance into our bodies.

Something else: With the audio clipped it sounds like Gorsuch says the flu kills “hundreds, thousands” of people. Listening to it in real-time I thought he said “hundreds of thousands.” But unfortunately, his estimate is still wrong. It’s NOTHING like the misinformation thrown at us by the liberals. As I said before the flu kills on average 36,000 people a year. As an immunocompromised person, I want the facts on all these viruses out there because the flu is dangerous to us like Covid, pneumonia, and even the common cold!

Correction: Now that the transcript is available, the precise quote from Sotomayor in the sub-headling has been corrected: “Why is the human being not like a machine if it’s spewing a virus, blood-borne viruses?” (Transcript at 29)

Tags: Sonia Sotomayor, US Supreme Court, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus