It’s okay when the Democrats do it. It’s okay when it’s George Soros.
Soros started Democracy PAC in 2019 to help Democrats in 2020. I’m guessing he is seeing a deer in the headlights because he cut the PAC a $125 million check.
Soros told Politico the donation will support “pro-democracy ’causes and candidates, regardless of political party.'” Those who want to strengthen “the infrastructure of American democracy: voting rights and civic participation, civil rights and liberties, and the rule of law” will receive the money.
Can we please stop using the words democracy and infrastructure? No one in their right mind would want a pure democracy and not everything is infrastructure.
Do we also believe the money would ever go to non-leftists?
Nothing to see here. Soros’s son Alexander will become the PAC’s president. He supports his daddy’s donations because of January 6th, 2021, you guys.
Let’s look at the donations.
Democracy PAC gave $2.5 million to the Senate Majority PAC and $1 million to House Majority PAC.
I cannot stand him, but you have to admit that Soros is a genius. Soros refuses to take a stand in primaries because he doesn’t want to “divide the Democratic Party.” He also knows local politics is the best way to make a difference. Look at the mess his big-shot attorneys have caused in their major cities:
- Los Angeles District Attorney George Glascón
- Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg
- Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner
- San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin (son of two actual domestic terrorists!)
- Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx
Soros has so many more.
It’s why Democracy PAC gave the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, which helps elect Democrats to state offices, $1 million.
It also handed $250,000 to BlackPAC and Vote Rec $1 million. The latter group trains the “campaigns to canvass voters at polling places to then reach out to their family and friends, urging them to vote.”
I see Soros I immediately think of doofus Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse who loves to screech about “dark money.”
The last three Republican Supreme Court Justices were picked by the Federalist Society, a dark money group used by conservative donors to stack the judiciary. They're not worried about outsourcing – they're worried about losing control. pic.twitter.com/Es9mBIgtvZ
— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) January 27, 2022
Big right-wing donors have funded & coordinated a massive dark-money scheme to capture the federal judiciary. Now that they’ve got their justices in place, those right-wing interests steer lawsuits toward their Supreme Court supermajority as fast as they can.
— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) January 28, 2022
It certainly looks like The Court That Dark Money Built was built with fossil fuel dark money.https://t.co/JPPz5QhBuZ
— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) January 27, 2022
Voters from across the political spectrum hate dark money because they know corruption when they see it. My DISCLOSE Act is the solution.
— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) January 27, 2022
Except when it comes to Soros and Democrat donors, right?

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Except when it comes to disclosing the membership of Whitehouse’s whites only club
Two words…. “Wealth tax.”
Take it all away.
It’s not a “whites only” club. It’s a club whose membership currently happens to be all white. So’s my synagogue, but that doesn’t make it an “all white” one; we’ve had black members before, and in all likelihood we will again, but right now it happens that we don’t.
Soros. Enemy #1 of Americans. Ally # 1 of Democrats.
ONE of the #1 enemies, but don’t kid yourself. There are so many hidden enemies that most Americans don’t know about. How about the Rothchilds, and the Rockefellers, the Royalty and former royalty, the list goes on, but if they attended a NWO aka Bilderburg, they’re all part of the same tired club that can all be called Enemy #1 of Americans.
Get lost, antisemite. (Most of the people you name aren’t even Jewish, though you think they are. But naming the Rothschilds is enough to prove what you are.)
How this guy is not dead says worlds about the governments he corrupted, including ours.
He certainly looks like he’s winning the battle to destroy America – and for mere fun and profit.
Soros giving $125 million to Democratic PAC.
He didn’t even have to dig into his pocket for that, it was just a little change left over from buying all those Hunter Biden oil paintings.
Question? Can we call Soros a Nazi? I mean, since he actually was a Nazi?
The fact that this NAZI gasbag gives millions to the Democrat party tells you all you need to know about the Democrat Party.
No, he wasn’t a nazi. Ever. So if you mean it literally you can’t call him that.
And there aren’t really enough similarities between him and the nazis to justify calling him one figuratively either. But he supports causes which are close enough to those of the nazis to qualify.
125 plus I’m sure
I vote gonzo for president.
This is certainly OTT (Obama’s Third Term). Soros is gunning for OFT (Obama’s Fourth Term).
Peanuts compared to Zuck Bucks, yet ten thousand to a Republican will get you time in the Big House.
Good Lord, the stench.
Those stacks in the Whitehouse tweet are visual representation of the bilious miasma of a great reek, the aroma of fishiness that doth hang above the donation.
I’m so glad that election reform laws, and the federal election commission, I’ve kept the big money out of politics.
It is, perhaps, a fact provocative of sour mirth that the Bill of Rights was designed trustfully to prohibit forever two of the favorite crimes of all known governments: the seizure of private property without adequate compensation and the invasion of the citizen’s liberty without justifiable cause…. It is a fact provocative of mirth yet more sour that the execution of these prohibitions was put into the hands of courts, which is to say, into the hands of lawyers, which is to say, into the hands of men specifically educated to discover legal excuses for dishonest, dishonorable and anti-social acts.
The first amendment has kept it in. Which is a good thing. And one that Soros opposes. If he had his way he wouldn’t be allowed to do this. If he had his way he wouldn’t need to do this, because his goals would already have been achieved, the constitution destroyed, and he could sit back and watch.
Soros told Politico the donation will support “pro-democracy ’causes and candidates, regardless of political party.’”
Yep. Democrats, BLM, and Antifa.
As much as I dislike Soros I do have to admire that he’s willing to spend the money to achieve results and he’s smart about it. Spending money on local elections like the DA is a smart move.
It’s a shame that there is no one on the right side of politics that is willing to be as aggressive with their money. Sure they donate money but Soros actively targets where his money is going to get results. Many on the right just hand their money over to the GOP at the national level and nothing else.
You have to admire Hitler, Mao and Stalin as well, simply for their evil achievements.
Interesting, the last cycle he was complaining his money wasn’t buying what he wanted.
No, it’s Bloomberg’s money that never buys what he meant to buy. That man has thrown more money down the crapper than the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
$125M will buy a LOT of salve. For the coming butthurt, I mean.
Wait…..I thought Joe won by a landslide. Why the need for Sheldon’s dark money with that kind of popularity??
Hey George, you’re not looking so good. It’s like the evil you do is reflected outwardly.
The bags are for storing his inner eyelid.
“Do we also believe the money would ever go to non-leftists?”
Probably not, but that doesn’t mean no money goes to Republicans. I’m starting to feel like most Republicans are actually leftists. Look at Georgia, where the “Republican” governor and SoS seemingly assisted the big steal in 2020 and continue to block any efforts to look into what happened. There was a Democrat group in GA that poured big money to help some Republicans get elected. Why would Democrats help Republicans get elected? Unless maybe they’re not really Republicans.
What you have stated simply never happened, Chuck Schumer thanks you for screaming at Republicans to back Democrats based on a lie however.
It’s tiresome that you continue to insist that the 2020 election was without any fraud, mischief and error. No election is without some or all of those components. The questions are how much, by whom, who knew and who pretended not to know. In that vein here are some basic questions that should be easy to answer.
Was the 2020 election conducted in a traditional manner or were novel processes introduced?
Were all of these novel processes for elections approved by the State legislature in accordance with the federal and State constitutions?
If not who presumed to usurp the power of the Legislature and thus the voice of the people in our republican govt? Who assisted this? Who continues to assist this by proclaiming in essence; ‘nothing to see move along’?
The fact is that the GA SoS did in fact agree to a CT settlement with Abrams and her d/prog sponsors to alter election procedures in GA without legislative approval. When we change the status quo and questions are raised it’s on those who support or tolerate the change to prove the changes are:
1. Necessary
2. Narrowly constructed to achieve a specific goal
3. Will actually achieve the stated purpose
4. Don’t unleash 2nd or 3rd order impacts whether intended or unintended
5. Are lawful
6. Are constitutional
The GA Senate seats were lost in the runoff elections when some 200K r voters who had cast a ballot in Nov decided to drink Lin Wood’s koolaid and stayed home. DJT very correctly read the reality of of the mood and asked for passage of the $2K stimmy checks.
McConnell refused to support it. Then post election it passed anyway when the d/prog had the votes to secure it by winning both GA seats. IMO, the actions of McConnell cost r control of the Senate for zero benefit, unless one considers that perhaps McConnell is happy to be in the minority so long as he is minority leader. I personally have come to view McConnell as ‘Littlefinger’ from GoT.
Nevertheless Danny is correct that the things James H stated simply never happened.
Really, so the r Gov and SoS enthusiastically embraced efforts to:
1. Secure and maintain all election records and communications
2. Verify registration mismatch of address
3. ID which ballots were cast illegally as a result of this or other illegal acts
4. If unable to ID which ballots due to lack of means then they supported voiding election
5. Supported/pushed for the State Legislature to vote an alternative slate of electors?
For someone to say x person didn’t support y they also need to demonstrate actions by x to oppose y. Standing aside and wringing their hands for the camera and selectively leaking the DJT phone call seem to indicate tacit support.
I get that opinions vary and I still don’t know if we can say the amount of irregularity was enough to throw the election; primarily because the controls don’t exist to ID a particular ballot once it’s mixed and counted. We do know CT in WI and PA have have both recently found that the mass mail vote scheme in 2020 was unconstitutional which certainly casts the election in those States in a poor light.
My view is if these d/prog activists decide to engage in unconstitutional acts then there are three choices:
1. Largely ignore it, shrug and say what are gonna do invalidate the election? IOW do zip.
2. Invalidate the election entirely; hold a do over that is consistent with state law and constitution and send no slate of electors
3. As with option 2 but have the State legislature send an alternative slate and let Congress decide to which slate to accept if any.
The point here is activists can’t be allowed to use a ‘too big to fail’ mentality to prevail. If they wish to risk a nullified election that’s their choice. That’s for State level, County level and precinct level bad actors. As long as they can act to cloud the outcome of elections without risking the effort being nullified they have no incentive to stop. IMO.
The governor and SoS did not assist the steal. Whether or not it happened, they did nothing to help it. They did their jobs and nothing more or less. Trump’s call to Raffsenberger (or however you spell that) demonstrated the exact opposite of the criminal intent that Dems pretend it did; on the contrary, it showed that he was committed to doing things honestly and legally. But it did also demonstrate a naïve understanding of the nature of electoral fraud, and a very misinformed view of what had happened in GA.
And as far as I know there was no “Democrat group in GA that poured big money to help some Republicans get elected”.
What Trump asked Raffsenberger to do was not at all illegal, but it was impossible, and that’s what he tried to explain to him. Not “I can’t do that because it would be wrong”, but “I can’t do that” at all; it just can’t be done.
George, is actually suggesting a “hit list”, as in “end to end” payment system ?
What is to be done?
Soros: A good read!
Did McCain Feingold verdict eliminate any possibility of regulating dark money?
It’s the first amendment that did that. The verdict simply upheld what the amendment plainly says.
It seems that many want to complain about something that is apparently legal – and it is politics, after all! If there were a R superPAC and everyone who voted for Trump donated just $10, that would create a war chest of three-quarters of a billion dollars! So, why isn’t their such a PAC? Or, if there is, please – someone point it out!