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Emory Law Journal Abandons Scholarship in Favor of Wokeism

Emory Law Journal Abandons Scholarship in Favor of Wokeism

“withdrawing its publication offer, finding Professor Alexander’s writing to be “hurtful and unnecessarily divisive”

The message from the academic left is loud and clear. Embrace the progressive position or be purged.

Louis K. Bonham writes at Minding the Campus:

The Emory Law Journal Abandons Scholarship for Wokeism

Another year, another incident of fundamental scholarship principles being sacrificed in favor of “feelings” and the woke agenda—and more worthy nominees for the next Minding the Campus Trofim Lysenko Award for the Suppression of Academic Speech.

Our latest episode comes courtesy of the Emory Law Journal (ELJ) editorial board, helmed by current Editor-in-Chief Danielle Kerker Goldstein and assisted by Executive Articles Editor Shawn Ren.  The ELJ had invited University of San Diego Law School professor Lawrence Alexander to contribute an article to a Festschrift in honor of longtime Emory Law School professor and constitutional law scholar Michael Perry.

However, after Professor Alexander declined to “greatly revise” the bulk of his article (which, inter alia, challenged the concept of “systemic racism”), the ELJ board took the admittedly “extreme action” of withdrawing its publication offer, finding Professor Alexander’s writing to be “hurtful and unnecessarily divisive.” This censorship has led two of the other contributors to the Festschrift to withdraw their articles in protest, and two others to demand that their contributions be published with an introductory blurb protesting the ELJ’s shameful treatment of Professor Alexander.

Thus, what was supposed to be an honor to Professor Perry and a contribution to constitutional law scholarship has now degenerated into an episode of cancel culture writ large, and a huge black eye for the ELJ, Emory University School of Law, and, quite possibly, the careers of the students involved.


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“what was supposed to be an honor to Professor Perry and a contribution to constitutional law scholarship has now degenerated into an episode of cancel culture writ large”

To the left, EVERYTHING must serve the revolution (to be defined later).

As far as they are concerned, the people protesting this necessary “editorial control” are simply outing themselves as counter-revolutionaries, to be destroyed at a later time.

IOW, they don’t see a downside to this.

The stench of leftism is destroying history, science and mathematics much the way it destroyed the soft “sciences.”

They are committing the act of defecating in their own academic beds, and lack the self awareness to realize it.

The bright news of this story is that other professors, who in the past would have likely acted as intimidated sheeple, stood up to be noticed and took positive action in defense of the freedom of speech of their cancelled colleague. Slow, but hopefully steady.

Emery has never held anything but my disdain for continuing to cosset the fraudulent Arthur Kellerman, one of the most underhanded, data-warping “researchers” ever to haunt the halls of public policy.

(Did you know that “a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to be used to kill its owner, spouse, a friend or child than to kill an intruder”… when some of the victims included weren’t killed with that gun; other ones weren’t killed with any gun; “friends” include stalkers, neighborhood toughs, and outright enemies; “killing” an intruder isn’t the only valid measure of self-defense; and 37 out of 43 were voluntary suicides to begin with? Neither do most of the people who are impressed with Kellerman’s work.)

I hope the article is made available elsewhere. I’m interested in reading it!