Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to Raise Student Fees in Effort to ‘Redistribute Wealth’ for Purposes of Equity
“The proposal would increase the fee for each student by $2,957 to $3,591, a change that would take place gradually over five years”

This is communism. They can dress it up in whatever ‘equity’ language they want, but that doesn’t change it.
Campus Reform reports:
Cal Poly seeks to close ‘equity and achievement gap’ by redistributing wealth via student fees
California Polytechnic University is planning to increase student fees by thousands of dollars, for the purpose of redistributing the money to chosen students in the form of financial aid.
The leadership of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo recently released its proposal to the student body to radically alter the College Based Fee (CBF) at Cal Poly as part of a plan to improve equity through the redistributing of the wealth of its students.
On Jan. 5, 2022, Vice-President Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore released an email to Cal Poly’s student body asking for its participation in a consultation period so that students can be properly informed on the proposed change to the CBF.
The email presented the two goals of the proposal as being to provide financial aid to students and need, and to and to continue funding “student research opportunities and student-faculty collaboration.”
The proposal would increase the fee for each student by $2,957 to $3,591, a change that would take place gradually over five years, with the range of money paid depending on the college the student attends.
Only 40% of the funds obtained would be used to improve educational quality while 60% of it would be tagged for redistribution. The plan is that the tagged funds will then be handed over to the Trustees of the California State University to fund the State University Grant program.
Cal Poly Director of Media Relations Matt Lazier told Campus Reform that the “primary focus” of the financial aid portion of the plan is to “assist families based on their Expected Family Contribution,” which is an estimate of a family’s financial strength based on its income, size, assets, etc.
“The proposal does leave the option to consider other factors if there are sufficient funds and if the university sees the need to provide support in those directions,” Lazier added.
One of those directions is likely the fulfillment of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Cal Poly SLO, and the California State University system as a whole, have been openly stating their intent to improve their commitment to DEI for many years now. This redistribution proposal comes after the 2020 failure of Proposition 16, which would have overturned a ban on Affirmative Action in admissions.

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Another female with a hyphenated name.
In a couple years, there will be headline saying, “Unexpected drop in enrollment at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo”
The drop will be blamed on racism, rather than any cost/benefit consideration.
That’s the redistribution they’ll get, as opposed to the redistribution they want.
Do they teach economics? Because they’re about to larn them some.
Why not tap into part of the $360 million dollar endowment before going full blown redistribution.
Two of my kids went there, as well as my daughter-in-law. Fortunately they majored in hard sciences and came out with their thinking skills still intact. Most of the students will probably think this is great, since they are not actually paying the bills themselves. What they should really do is assess a graduated GPA tax. Starting at 3.0 – 10%, increase to 15% at 3.5%, and for any GPA over 4.0 assess a 50% tax. Who needs a GPA > 4.0 anyway? Then redistribute those grade points based on DEI criteria. They won’t do it of course, because the students might actually learn something from it.
Oh, I see. You’re taxing them GPA points, not taxing them money on their GPA points.
Yes, it’s a teachable moment.
So they intend to implement Affirmative Action anyway, by means of differential pricing.
Is it the tuition that’s being increased i.e. the cost of learning, or student fees i.e. the cost of being a student? The fact students get a say on the matter suggests it is the student unionguildwhatever that will be controlling the funds and divvying them up.
Put another way, the Left want to yet again tax the Right into supporting their activism and lifestyle choices. Why not make contributions optional? Oh wait, the Left doesn’t like funding its own causes.
How about the Board of Regents have 20% or so of their “oversight payments” deducted to fund a “diversity fund” of whatever they choose?