Parents in Austin, Texas objected to certain books with pornographic and CRT related content and in their schools. In response, a teacher mocked them as anti-reading bigots at a school board meeting by reading a Dr. Seuss-style poem.
All she succeeded in doing is making everyone even angrier.
She obviously thought this was a very clever idea.
Tyler O’Neil reports at FOX News:
Parents outraged after teacher mocks ‘bigots,’ ‘evangelicals’ in Dr. Seuss-style poem at school board meetingParents in the Austin, Texas, area expressed outrage after a technology teacher read a Dr. Seuss-style poem mocking “evangelicals” and parents who have expressed concerns about books they call pornographic.Krista Tyler, instructional technology specialist at Grisham Middle School in the Round Rock Independent School District (ISD) read the poem at the Leander ISD school board meeting Dec. 16.”Everyone in Leander liked reading a lot/ but some evangelicals in Leader did not,” Tyler begins. “These kooks hated reading, the whole reading season./ Please don’t ask why, no one quite knows the reason./ It could be perhaps critical thinking causes fright./ It could be their heads aren’t screwed on just right./ But whatever the reason, their brains or their fright,/ they can’t follow policy in plain black and white.””These bigots don’t get to choose for us, that’s clear,” Tyler’s poem continues. “Then how, I am wondering, did we even get here./ They growl at our meetings, all hawing and humming,/ ‘We must stop this indoctrination from coming!’/ They’ve come for the books and the bonds and what for?/ Their kids don’t even attend Leander schools anymore./ Bring back our books, maintain decorum, good grief./ Wouldn’t it be nice to have a meeting in peace?”
See the video below:
As you can imagine, this did not go over well:
“I’m disgusted and disheartened that there are teachers in our school district who think it is OK to mock parents for their religious beliefs, and for demanding that children not have access to books in the library or classroom that have pornographic illustrations and graphic descriptions of sex acts,” Dustin Clark, a father of four children in Round Rock public schools who got arrested for speaking out in a school board meeting, told Fox News.
How did she think it would be received?
The New York Post has more reactions from parents:
“The opinions of the teacher who recently spoke at the board meeting illustrate the utter disconnect some teachers have with their communities,” Orlando Salinas, a father of one child in Round Rock ISD and other children too young for public schools, told Fox News. He said the teachers “are under the impression that parents are coming to these meetings in the spirit of political divisiveness, when this is not the case.”“Parents such as myself, are increasingly participating in school board meetings because we see firsthand the detrimental effects that ‘woke-ism’ has had on our schools and our children,” Salinas continued. “In Round Rock, 8% of African American students and 11% of Hispanic students perform math on grade level, according to the 2021 STARR Performance data. We parents are attending these meetings to challenge the status quo because the status quo is not working for our students.”“Superintendents, school board members, and educators are spending an inordinate amount of time teaching children about what bathrooms to use and when it’s appropriate to lower their face masks, and not enough time teaching our children reading, writing, and arithmetic,” the father said.
Progressives are kicking a hornets’ nest by provoking parents. None of this will be forgotten in the midterms.
Featured image via Twitter video.