Talk by Conservative Journalist at Princeton Held in Secret Location
“In the days leading up to the talk, some Princeton students took to social media and online forums to condemn Shrier and castigate the event’s student organizers for inviting her to campus.”

This would never happen with a progressive speaker on any campus. The talk had to be hidden due to student protesters and threats.
The College Fix reports:
Conservative journalist’s Princeton talk given in secret location as students protest, denounce event
Journalist Abigail Shrier spoke to Princeton University students at a private event on Wednesday, discussing everything from free speech and academic freedom to gender ideology and parental rights.
The talk was held at an off-campus venue, the location of which was revealed solely to RSVP’d guests just a few hours before the event due to “threats and harassment” organizers said were leveled against Shrier and student groups co-hosting the lecture.
That along with Princeton’s remaining coronavirus restrictions necessitated the heightened security measures, Adam Hoffman, publisher of The Princeton Tory and a student organizer of the event, said in his introduction of Shrier.
But the talk did represent the start of a recommitment “to the relentless pursuit of the truth,” Hoffman said, adding that he hoped his peers’ scare tactics would no longer suppress open debate at the Ivy League institution.
Shrier’s talk was co-hosted by The Princeton Tory, the Princeton Open Campus Coalition, and Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute, where the event was held.
Shrier is author of the recent book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” which has made her a prime target for accusations of transphobia.
Student protests precede talk
In the days leading up to the talk, some Princeton students took to social media and online forums to condemn Shrier and castigate the event’s student organizers for inviting her to campus.
One student, whose Twitter account describes himself as a writer for The Daily Princetonian, called organizers “free speech weirdos” who “love to role-play as righteous revolutionaries who hide b/c they have a viewpoint under violent threat.”
“The real reason they hide is so they can stay in their echo chamber and not have their bigotry challenged. Doesn’t seem like open dialogue to me.”

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“Doesn’t seem like open dialogue to me.”
Say the people who either shut down or shout down every attempt to host a conservative speaker on campus.
Shrier’s book is an example of “small problems are big problems if girls are involved”, an all too popular genre. Girls are at the top of the social hierarchy. They go almost never go transgender, because there is little to no benefit for them. Boys on the other hand are shit on all the time by our culture. The pushback against trans boys in girls sports is understandable, but as usual the underlying cultural pathology that drives it is ignored, since said pathology primarily harms boys, and their problems are not important.
They go almost never go transgender
No, that’s not true – at least not any more. The number of young women transitioning, up to and including permanently damaging hormone therapy and irreversible surgery, has absolutely exploded. Much of this is due to the fact that women are much more likely to follow the herd and are much more likely to be neurotic, and this bollocks is trendy right now and plays into typical teenage girl insecurity.
And no, sexual dysmorphia is not caused by boys being shit on by the culture. 95-99% of severe sexual dysmorphics were serially sexually abused as children or adolescents. The dysmorphia is a self-destructive coping mechanism for Complex PTSD.
Where you are correct is that the problem won’t be seen for what it is unless and until women are seen as victims of it. Despite the etiology being the same, we don’t have as much sympathy for male dysmorphics.
Shrier is. Very astute and courageous journalist whose articles and book are must reading on why gender issues and their perversion by the left are a major threat to the traditional family
Conservatism equals bigotry and challenges are shouting down people who don’t agree with you. Secret off campus venue equals lets go Brandon.
The phrase ‘free speech weirdo’ shows how badly Princeton has failed as a University. Students should be able to criticize gender issues as freely as criticizing the football team.