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Swarthmore Student Op-Ed Wonders if White People Should be Kicked Out of Parties

Swarthmore Student Op-Ed Wonders if White People Should be Kicked Out of Parties

“typical [Swarthmore] parties include an outsized number of white students (many of whom are athletes), making it harder for marginalized groups to feel welcome.”

Why are things like this allowed to be said openly in American higher education? This is racial discrimination.

The College Fix reports:

Swarthmore College student: ‘Should we be kicking white people out of parties?’

We are at a time and place in late 2021 where it literally has become acceptable to ponder the exclusion of a specific race of people from a college party.

That is, if the race is white.

A student at Swarthmore College last week penned an entire op-ed on this topic as a situation arose which — allegedly — warranted the ejection of Caucasians at the small, private institution near Philadelphia.

In The Phoenix, economics major Sameer Halepoto points to a pre-Thanksgiving party hosted by the Swarthmore Queer Union, Swarthmore African Student Association, Swarthmore ENLACE, and the Swarthmore African-American Student Society which had filled up rather quickly.

Halepoto says “typical [Swarthmore] parties include an outsized number of white students (many of whom are athletes), making it harder for marginalized groups to feel welcome.”

As a result, party organizers blared a repeating electronic message through speakers which warned that white people had to leave.

“To be fair” to the organizers, Halepoto writes, they were in a “lose-lose situation.” Apparently they attempted to create a “safe space” for marginalized groups and to make a “concerted effort to include affinity groups within settings occupied by non-marginalized people.”

But keep in mind white people can be queer and/or Latinx. Halepoto wonders how many whites who remained after the “get out” warning actually were either: Did the announcement create “an incentive for students to falsely identify with a marginalized identity”?

Halepoto also (ridiculously tactfully) says it’s “fair to question” whether telling whites to leave was “the optimal solution to creating a more inclusive party” considering it violates college rules for official student groups. In addition, it “sow[s] further division on campus at a time when such issues are especially salient.”


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Fill the punchbowl with purple drank, check for guns at the door, and give one to anybody who didn’t bring one. Problem solved.

I don’t suppose the student body is petitioning the school administration to kick this student out for espousing racist ideas? …Nah, didn’t think so.

The Friendly Grizzly | December 10, 2021 at 11:49 am

What’s in Swarthmore Williams finishing school for girls before the change of name?

Please do. Long past the time when we should all realize that any integration of the races doesn’t work. If black people want a separate society, we should leave it to them, but stay away from ours.

“sow[s] further division on campus at a time when such issues are especially salient.”

Ya think?