Some Opposition to ‘Woke’ Math Curriculum in California is Coming From Democrats

It’s about time some Democrats stepped up and voiced their opposition to this lunacy.

The OC Register reported:

Democrats now dissenting on California’s woke math proposalAfter enacting a controversial bill mandating ethnic studies in high school, California is set to consider a woke math framework sometime in the new year.Surprisingly and importantly, key opposition to this proposal is coming from Democrats, who warn their party of defections if they continue to push for its approval.The proposed math framework, pushed by Democrat progressives, explicitly rejects math as a “neutral discipline” and seeks to raise students’ “sociopolitical consciousness.”Worse, the math framework seeks to discourage accelerating talented students so they can take higher order math courses, such as calculus, in high school. Instead, the proposal calls for a forced uniform-assignment system where all students take the same math courses regardless of their abilities.A recent public letter signed by 1,300 prominent mathematicians and scientists criticized the math framework saying, “There cannot be a ‘one size fits all’ approach to K-12 mathematical education” and students should take courses like algebra, calculus, and logical reasoning “at varying grade levels in middle and high school when they are ready.”The letter states that students should not be “deliberately held back” but be “challenged to their full potential,” which would benefit them, plus “society and the nation’s economy.”It is interesting to note that the coordinators of this public letter are part of the group Save California Mathematics Education, whose members include noted Democrats in the STEM field.Randi Paynter, a Democrat and Indigenous-American scientist engaged in health equity research, commented, “I oppose this math framework because it is not based on science or research.”

Tags: California, College Insurrection, Democrats, Social Justice