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Purdue University to Hire 40 New Faculty Members in Push to ‘Diversify’ Makeup of Campus

Purdue University to Hire 40 New Faculty Members in Push to ‘Diversify’ Makeup of Campus

“The move is part of the Indiana school’s $75 million Equity Task Force strategy, a five-year project.”

This is part of an initiative that will cost the school $75 million. That’s a lot of potential financial aid.

Campus Reform reports:

$75 million equity strategy includes 40 new faculty hires to ‘diversify’ campus

Purdue University announced recently that it intends to hire 40 new faculty to “diversify the racial makeup” of its campus.

The move is part of the Indiana school’s $75 million Equity Task Force strategy, a five-year project.

Purdue’s website lists 14 open positions and explains that the first cluster hire will focus on the fields of “Public Health, Health Policy, and Health Equity.”

Andy Sayles, the vice president of Purdue University’s Turning Point USA chapter, told Campus Reform that the amount of money the school is spending on the initiative is “alarming.”

Sayles also added that skin color should never be a factor when it comes to hiring.

“Skin color shouldn’t matter in the hiring process,” he said. “Whoever is best for the job should be hired, regardless of skin color.”

In 2019, according to Journal & Courier, a USA Today affiliate, approximately 3% of both Purdue students and university staff and faculty were African American.

Purdue’s Equity Task Force was created in August 2020 by the university’s board of trustees. The board assigned the task force to review the “current state of equity” on campus and to make sure that “students, faculty, and staff of color” could experience Purdue “equitably.”

An Equity Task Force strategy document also outlines plans to increase diversity among the student body using three pillars of “representation, experience, and success.”

The plan calls for increasing recruitment and admission for black undergraduate and graduate students, and also calls for the creation of “Black student awards.”


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This could be a very positive step if “diversity” is understood to mean “viewpoint diversity.” The problem is that this will fund a bunch of assistant professors for 3 to 6 years. Then when they come up for tenure, there are very few open salary lines available, and the tenure slots may be in Engineering or STEM rather than in “Grievance Studies.” So, the school may be building up a statiscal case that its tenure process discriminates against minority candidates.

Donors, especially those considered “major donors,” can get their attention by explaining that they will not be donating to such wastes of money. Since money is completely fungible, that means not donating at all. From personal experience, the reaction is likely to be interesting, and in some ways entertaining.

    OldProf2 in reply to Tregonsee. | December 21, 2021 at 11:32 am

    I just sent such a letter to my alma mater, which is going woke in a big way. No more yearly donations (after 50 years of donating), nothing in the will.

From Purdue: “The University prohibits discrimination or harassment against any member of the University community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or status as a veteran.”

Does anyone really think Purdue will honor this statement in making these “diversity” hires? I bet the criteria for the hires will be: 1. Race;
2. Sex; 3. Sexual orientation; 4. Transgender; 5. Have taken a course in what they’re going to teach.

I was on the hiring committee for my college’s recent diversity hire. In the organizational meeting, I asked if we were going to abide by our “Nondiscrimination Statement” on the first page of the catalog. Everyone looked like I had just farted in a crowded elevator.

The Dean finally responded that Of Course we would abide by the NDS. But we would also consider how each person would contribute to the “diversity” of the college. When we arrived at our top 3 to interview, one of them (by far the best) was a white male. The Dean said that if one of our top 3 was a white male, they would shut down the search. So we re-voted and moved the white male to position 4. What a bunch of hypocrites.

That white male should sue for discrimination.

What is Mitch Daniels thinking? Or is this decision out of his hands?

No wonder a college ‘education’ costs so much.

“One of these days they’re going to remove so much of the ‘hooey’ and the thousands of things the schools have become clogged up with, and we will find that we can educate our broods for about one-tenth of the price and learn ’em something that they might accidentally use after they escape.”
— Will Rogers
 (1879-1935) American humorist

I wouldn’t dismiss this too quickly. President Daniels (who I know a little) is basically libertarian. And Purdue is already a very financially efficient university.

There are lots of Black students/parents that could go HBCU, or even fancier schools, so to make Purdue more attractive to these students, may be a revenue- positive initiative.

Perhaps the more honest approach would be to offer these candidates 40 non-tenure track postions (e.g., lecturers).

How can a student walk from one edge of the campus to the other without loosing their temper because of all the woke shit they’re exposed to every single moment on campus …