Purdue Prof Under Fire for Using Term ‘Wuhan Virus’ on Syllabus

What’s the problem? The virus came from Wuhan and people in liberal media used to call it the ‘Wuhan Virus’ until the left decided that was unacceptable.The College Fix reports:

Purdue U. professor under fire for using ‘Wuhan virus’ on his syllabusA professor of construction management at Purdue University is getting heat for using the term “Wuhan virus” in his course syllabus.According to The Exponent, no one even noticed until halfway through the semester, and then it “sparked upheaval in the class group chat.”A prefer-to-remain-anonymous student told the student paper the politically incorrect term for COVID-19 even stayed up on the course’s homepage for almost two weeks after someone brought it to Prof. Randy Rapp’s attention.Though Rapp ultimately changed the syllabus’s wording, he said the term was just like any other malady referred to by its place of origin, like “Spanish flu.”“Wuhan virus is a simplification, not in the least illegal, immoral, unethical, inaccurate or dangerous,” Rapp said. “Of course, there is nothing political about that phrase.”He said the term had been in his syllabus before the semester and in “assorted communications of mine since the disease struck,” a total of about 22 weeks. “So many people read the words […] and said nothing about the term — rightfully not.”Some begged to differ:

Zhi Zhou, an associate professor of civil engineering and environmental and ecological engineering, said he, as a Chinese man, views the terminology of “Wuhan virus” as harmful.“Unfortunately, Asian hate crimes have increased significantly,” Zhou said. “As reported by NPR in August 2021, there have been more than 9,000 anti-Asian incidents since the pandemic began.“Another NBC report in October 2021 showed that anti-Asian hate crimes rose 73% last year, according to FBI data.” …[Purdue senior Dimitri] Karallas said his concern that such language was harmful to the Asian community was one of the main reasons he confronted Rapp.“Asian hate crimes have risen,” he said. “And when you put this blame of this world disease on one specific group, people will just look at that group just like they are to blame for when really, it could have happened anywhere in the world.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Wuhan Coronavirus