A Gallup poll found that 60% of Americans have a positive view of capitalism. That’s great news. Love it. Fantastic.
But it revealed something disturbing: 38% of the country has a positive view of socialism.
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board focused on the capitalism aspect. I kind of get it since it’s the WSJ.
I wish we knew why so many people favor socialism. I’d also like to know the age groups because I’m pretty sure it’s those youngins who love that crap.
Gallup provided a tiny hint, though. The Democrats love to change the definition of a word (emphasis mine):
Recent Gallup research found that Americans, particularly Democrats, are most likely to think of socialism in terms of equality and government provision of benefits and services. When Gallup polled Americans on the meaning of socialism in 1949, the largest proportion described it in the traditional sense as government ownership of the means of economic production. Thus, the meaning of the term to Americans is evolving, but most still view it negatively.
The 1949 thought of socialism is the correct definition of it. Socialism has not changed. It’s government control of everything and not allowing people to thrive and succeed.
Going by political party, 65% of the Democrats/Democratic leaners think fondly of socialism. Not a shock there at all.
At the same time, 52% of the Democrats/Democratic leaners think positively of capitalism.
The portion about feelings toward economic and governmental terms cracked me up. 62% of the respondents have a negative view of “the federal government” and 59% have a negative view of “socialism.”
GOOD. I admit those are my trigger words.
However, 53% of them have a negative view of the term “big business.” I wonder how many of them are employed by a big business. How many of them use Amazon? Have an iPhone?
Positive views on terms: 97% on small business, 84% on free enterprise, and 60% on capitalism.