Loyola Marymount U. Student Reportedly Penalized for Referring to God as ‘He’ in an Assignment

Loyola Marymount is a Catholic school and I sincerely hope students raise hell over this.

Campus Reform reports:

Students continue to speak against professors’ pronoun mandatesThe California College Republicans issued a statement Monday “condemning” Cecilia González-Andrieu, a professor at Loyola Marymount University who allegedly penalized a student for referring to God as “He” in an assignment.Yesterday’s announcement follows a semester of controversy at the Catholic university over pronoun usage.Christopher Miller, a yoga studies professor, mandated his students include pronouns on their blog assignments, Fox News reported in November.“The story coming out of the Yoga Department is just another link in a long train of abuses,” LMU GOP President Will Donahue said in a Dec. 1 statement. “I urge LMU to think deeply about the kind of school that they would like to be.”Donahue told Campus Reform that the policy was “a violation of free speech.”The joint statement between the California College Republicans and its LMU chapter also lays blame on LMU and President Timothy Law Synder.“The California College Republicans (CCR) join our chapter at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) and RenewLMU in condemning LMU and University President Timothy Snyder for allowing professors to mandate the use of gender pronouns on assignments,” the statement reads.

Tags: College Insurrection, Gender, Religion