Joe Biden Caves to the Squad and Extends Pause on Student Loan Payments

In August, Biden extended the pause on federal student loan payments through February of 2022. Last week he announced that there would be no more extensions, and those loan payments would restart in February.

People on the left, most notable members of the Squad, complained loudly and now Biden has caved to their demands.

He just kicked the can down the road to May 1st.

Kathryn Watson reports at CBS News:

Biden extends pause on student loan repayments through May 1President Joe Biden has extended a pause on student loan repayments an additional 90 days through May 1, 2022, the White House announced Wednesday.Those with student loans had been scheduled to begin repayments on February 1. Although unemployment is relatively low, the president said, many are still struggling with the economic fallout from the pandemic.”Now, while our jobs recovery is one of the strongest ever — with nearly 6 million jobs added this year, the fewest Americans filing for unemployment in more than 50 years, and overall unemployment at 4.2 percent — we know that millions of student loan borrowers are still coping with the impacts of the pandemic and need some more time before resuming payments,” Mr. Biden said in his statement announcing the extension.The pause on payments has affected 41 million Americans, according to the White House.

When it comes to this issue, the Squad has Biden on a leash. They wanted their way and they got it.

These weren’t the only people pushing for this. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and other Democrats joined the chorus, but the Squad was leading the charge.

They will spend nearly every waking moment between now and May 1st campaigning to make this change permanent and for Biden to cancel all student debt. Biden has given them an additional six months to convince him to do it.

Tags: Biden Education, College Insurrection, Education, Progressives