Georgetown University Launches New Diversity and Inclusion Track at Med School
“dismantle systems of power designed to benefit certain groups”
The left’s social justice agenda will eventually expand to virtually every discipline. Nothing will be spared.
The College Fix reports:
New diversity, equity and inclusion med school track launched at Georgetown
Georgetown University will add a new track to its seven current options for medical students.
The School of Medicine’s “Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion” track joins Health Justice Scholar Track, Healthcare Leadership Track, Literature and Medicine Track, Medical Education Research Scholar Track, Population Health Scholar Track, Primary Care Leadership Track and Environmental Health and Medicine Track as concentrations for aspiring medical professionals.
Professors and co-directors Ann Jay and Tamara Wilson have not responded to two emailed requests for comment on the curriculum sent in the past month by The College Fix.
Completion of the track, which involves modules, field work and group projects, will prepare students to “[s]erve as a champion of DEI in future experiences” and work to “dismantle systems of power designed to benefit certain groups.”
The med students will learn that dismantling these power structures that “harm others” is not a fleeting project but instead a “lifelong commitment” that “is imperative to improving the health outcomes of patients.”
Students will learn about “complex perspectives relating to race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and life experiences” and how it affects health outcomes.
It should not be confused with the Health Justice track which teaches students how to “[d]emonstrate an understanding of the psychological, socioeconomic, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of human health and illness.”
The future cardiologists, oncologists and otolaryngologists will not just help sick people recover and diagnose potential future health problems. They will graduate with an understanding of “the role of discrimination, bias, microaggressions, and racism in the ability to deliver equitable care.”
Their education on how the lungs work, prenatal development and recognizing the signs of a stroke will be supplemented with the ability to “use increased competency in anti-racism, cultural humility, social justice, racial equity, allyship, disabusing disability, gender/sexuality issues, and LGBTQ+ promotion and acceptance.”
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“Interested students may apply during first year of medical school. Students who successfully complete a track by meeting all track requirements and in good academic standing, graduate from the medical school with distinction.”
So it’s an affirmative-action pathway to a distinction on the diploma. Used to be that only went to the brightest med students.
‘The School of Medicine’s “Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion” track joins Health Justice Scholar Track, Healthcare Leadership Track, Literature and Medicine Track, Medical Education Research Scholar Track, Population Health Scholar Track, Primary Care Leadership Track and Environmental Health and Medicine Track as concentrations for aspiring medical professionals.’
Yuck. All those tracks sound horrible and too off-track.
Stick with the Just Plain Medicine Track.
Is there a treating patients track?
“The left’s social justice agenda will eventually expand to virtually every discipline.” –> Of course. It’s a Theory of Everything. How could there then be any human endeavor, to which it would not apply?
Speaking of systems of power designed to benefit certain groups, I wonder exactly which groups this idea is intended to benefit. Is it going to be a “black” thing? I’ve reached that point of maturity at which a person spends far too much time dealing with doctors, so this could be important. There are gobs of doctors around, and I have considerable choice in which ones to avoid. I’m afraid I might have to steer clear of “certain groups” if there’s a danger that they’re likely to “social justice” me to death.
We’re going to have to make up a list of medical schools whose graduates we need to avoid. I don’t want to be treated by a doctor who majored in diversity discrimination rather than treating all patients equally.
A doctor with a degree in the Social Justice or DEI track might decide to let me croak to “decrease the surplus population” of my ethnic group.
I remember one doctor who said she might prescribe the wrong drugs to Jews. This is the kind of twisted thinking that some students will get out of the “Social Justice” and “Diversity” indoctrination at these woke medical schools. I hope the victims sue the medical schools.
“Health Justice Scholar Track”
Someone just grabbed four words and slammed them together
Poop Scoop Floopty Loop
Wonder how many that kill & if relatives will have some kind of financial recourse?