Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Introducing ‘Stop Woke Act’ to Keep Critical Race Theory Out of Classrooms

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been a leading voice in the fight against Critical Race Theory in education. He is now introducing his latest effort in this battle. It’s called the “Stop W.O.K.E. Act.”

Taking action on this issue is not only the right thing to do, it’s smart politics. This was one of the key issues for Glenn Youngkin’s recent victory in Virginia.

News 4 JAX reports:

Gov. DeSantis introduces ‘Stop Woke Act’ to keep ‘critical race theory’ out of classroomsTeaching “critical race theory” in Florida’s K-12 public schools could soon be illegal.Gov. Ron DeSantis continued his fight against the controversial teachings on Wednesday morning with the announcement of new legislation that would keep the theory out of classrooms.DeSantis introduced the “Stop W.O.K.E. Act” during a rally-style event in Central Florida.DeSantis said the legislation would put into law the Florida Department of Education’s prohibition on “critical race theory” in K through 12 schools that was approved in June.Critical race theory, or CRT, is an academic concept that looks at how racism has led to laws and other policies that continue to negatively affect communities of color in America.

I’m amazed that the report includes this line:

Local school districts said they’ve never taught Critical Race Theory, which is a graduate-level course of study.

We hear this claim repeatedly, as we point out that CRT principles are embedded in school curricula across the country. There are multiple examples of it.

Jeremiah Poff of the Washington Examiner has more details:

Progressive activists and Democratic politicians have insisted the academic framework is not taught in public schools despite substantial evidence to the contrary and say efforts to ban it are attempts to whitewash American history and avoid teaching students about racism.“Our legislation would defund any money from K-12 to higher ed going to CRT,” DeSantis said at the press conference.“I view the wokeness as a form of cultural Marxism,” DeSantis continued. “They want to tear at the fabric of our society and our culture, really things we’ve taken for granted, like the ability of parents to direct the upbringing of their kids.”“No taxpayer dollars should be used to teach our kids to hate our country or to hate each other,” he added.If adopted, the legislative proposal would expand on the governor’s directive to the Florida Department of Education earlier this year that prohibited the inclusion of critical race theory in public schools. The new law also treats businesses that require critical race theory training as maintaining a “hostile work environment” under Florida law.

In these two clips, DeSantis sums up how this will work:

Just so you’re aware, the left is responding to this by claiming that DeSantis is banning teachers from teaching students about racism, a blatant lie:

Featured image via Rumble.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Education, Florida, Republicans, Ron DeSantis