Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death in Americans Aged 18-45
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Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death in Americans Aged 18-45

Fentanyl Now Leading Cause of Death in Americans Aged 18-45

DEA warning that Mexican drug cartels are flooding US with fentanyl-laced counterfeit pills.

As COVID ravages our elderly population, another epidemic stemming from China is slamming our young adults.

Newly released data shows that the leading killer of Americans aged 18 to 45 is fentanyl overdoses, with nearly 79,000 people in the age range dying of them between 2020 and 2021.

“Families Against Fentanyl,” an opioid awareness organization, analyzed the data from U.S. government sources and found 37,208 died in 2020 and 41,587 died in 2021. Comparatively, data says COVID-19 killed more than 53,000 in the demographic in the same time period.

Fentanyl overdoses reportedly surpassed suicide, COVID-19, and car accidents as the leading cause of death for the demographic.

“This is a national emergency. America’s young adults — thousands of unsuspecting Americans — are being poisoned,” the founder of Families Against Fentanyl, James Rauh, said according to Fox News. “It is widely known that illicit fentanyl is driving the massive spike in drug-related deaths. A new approach to this catastrophe is needed.”

And it is not just the intentional users at risk, either. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is now issuing an urgent warning that Mexican cartels are now selling counterfeit opioid pills laced with fentanyl. The compound is 50 times more potent than heroin, and the move makes the nation’s illegal drug supply more deadly.

Federal authorities say they are encountering more pills passing for medications such as oxycodone that contain fentanyl. They have seized more than 20 million fake pills this year, the vast majority containing fentanyl, the Drug Enforcement Administration said Thursday.

“The supply of these pills is going up exponentially,” said Joseph Palamar, an associate professor and drug epidemiologist at New York University Langone Health. “They are easy to transport and difficult to track. Pills are the ultimate fake out. You can fake out your parents, your friends, your partner, law enforcement.”

The mass production of such pills by Mexican cartels has escalated the threat, according to the DEA. Pill-related deaths are particularly common in the western U.S., a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report said Tuesday. Fentanyl appears to be gaining ground there after surfacing mainly in eastern states for years.

Finally, here is a stark reminder it is not just the drug abusers who are dying from fentanyl. A Milwaukee mother is accused of the death of her 15-month-old child in July after his sippy cup tested positive for the compound.

According to the complaint, at 1:30 p.m., Harris’ mother woke Harris to request a ride. When Harris reached over to the child, he “was cold to the touch.” She called 911.

Detectives collected evidence in the bedroom where the child was found — including two sippy cups. During this collection, one detective’s face became numb and tingly. The detective became concerned that she came into contact with a substance that caused the reaction – and she left the room.

The complaint indicates on July 22, a forensic toxicologist with the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office reported both sippy cups were “tested and returned a positive result for the presence of fentanyl.” On Aug. 11, a doctor ruled the child’s cause of death was “due to mixed drug toxicity.”


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George Floyd’s cause of death is number one for ages 18 to 45? No doubt George wished he’d heard about this and would’ve done more cocaine.

Yet our overbearing bloated government has no plans to stop this.

goddessoftheclassroom | December 20, 2021 at 6:27 pm

I lost my son, 27, in September 2019. He made very bad choices, but he didn’t choose to die.

    Sorry for your loss.

    In looking at this comment and pondering – I again come to the conclusion that this is a demand based problem. Take away demand and drug dealing is hard work.

    This means a lot of people in detention. It’s expensive, but not more expensive than what we now face. Also- there is no price tag you could put on saving a family member from this hell.
    This also means a lot of people like your son would still be alive. The idiots running my state say there’s too much stigma with jail and criminal record. Well the best way to get past stigma (and all the hell that is addiction) is through grace. Moms like you need to speak up because right now the enablers of this mess are doing all the talking.

This makes absolutely no sense.

“Federal authorities say they are encountering more pills passing for medications such as oxycodone that contain fentanyl… “Pills are the ultimate fake out. You can fake out your parents, your friends, your partner, law enforcement.”

“Oh, no, Mom, the pills you found aren’t fentanyl! They’re only oxycodone!”

Really? In what universe does that work?

I don’t even understand what motive the cartels would have to do this in the first place. “Hey, we added a little fentanyl to the illegal drug you thought you were buying. Because we’re just that generous.”

    Personally I believe this is a strategy by the Chicomms to hollow out the core of our fighting age young men. See “The Opium Wars” as a historical point of reference.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to henrybowman. | December 21, 2021 at 12:43 am

    Maybe China is the source of those pills, and does that make China another terrorist state. Was Wuhan’s release of the coronavirus an act in the same vein?

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to henrybowman. | December 21, 2021 at 9:52 am

    I don’t even understand what motive the cartels would have to do this in the first place. “Hey, we added a little fentanyl to the illegal drug you thought you were buying. Because we’re just that generous.”

    Has very little to do with being generous. The fentanyl is used to “cut” the drugs while maintaining the “rush” and more importantly the addictiveness of the product. That it kills the customer faster is just an unwanted side affect. But in the end the cartels don’t care. There’s an endless supply of people out there that are willing to pay for the privilege of using the product. Truth

    MajorWood in reply to henrybowman. | December 21, 2021 at 1:46 pm

    There is a lot of “branding” in the drug world. Has always been that way. Just watch The Wire to show how the dealers move their product through reputation. Stomp on it too many times and the customers don’t come back. The Sacklers were no different. Oxy’s sold well because they were a known quality entity. The took the MacDonalds model of brand recognition to the commercial drug world. So of course it makes sense to try and manufacture a pill that is similar to one which already sells well on the underground market. But fentanyl has way different pharmacokinetics than heroin or any of the other oral meds. And any inconsistency in the manufacturing process can easily lead to too much in one pill and very little in another.
    As Hunter S Thompson stated some 50 years ago, “there is no room in the drug culture for amateurs.”

People need to realize that drug dealers and cartels are not pharmacists. The pills that drug dealers sell can contain any kind of poison that is cheap and easy for them to access.

When I was analyzing drugs for defense attorneys, the vast majority of “amphetamine” pills were caffeine. Nobody died from the caffeine pills. That was in an earlier age when drug dealers were more local, and they didn’t have fentanyl or pure methamphetamine to give their pills an extra kick.

Now, the cartels have ready access to cheap fentanyl and meth, and their haphazard measuring techniques give batches that are much stronger than others. Fentanyl is a safe, effective drug when used by an expert in an operating room. But it has a narrow safe effective range. A little too much in a poorly measured pill is lethal.

    vinnymeyer in reply to OldProf2. | December 20, 2021 at 7:36 pm

    Exactly. What’s in the pills and other street drugs is not the same as what’s in what you get from the pharmacy. If I were Mylan I’d be annoyed that my product is being used to provide the visual for an article about illegal street drugs.

The GF progressive condition. There must be a diversity angel. Oh, wait, people of sexes, people of colors, people of heights, people of girths, and persons of ages, too.

Appoint Hunter Biden Fentanyl Czar.

And if you to get even more stupid, make AOC and Obama his consultants.

China advocates unrestricted warfare, I am willing to believe that this is a facet of that.

Everyone wants to be like George Floyd.