Fauci Wants You to Check Your Family’s COVID Papers This Christmas
No vaccine? No Christmas for you, Grandma!

Fauci was all over the media today. I don’t know why. Oh, wait. I do know. He wants to stay in the limelight and the media still thinks he is a saint.
Where do I begin? How about asking for your family’s papers:
FAUCI: “I mean, one thing that vaccinated people can feel comfortable, for example, let’s take the holiday setting. You’re with your family, you have grandparents and parents and children. When you get vaccinated and you have a vaccinated group and you’re in an indoor setting, you can enjoy, as we have traditionally over the years, dinners and gatherings within the home with people who are vaccinated. That’s the reason why people should, if they invite people over their home, essentially ask and maybe require that people show evidence that they are vaccinated.”
Fauci tells vaccinated people that they should "ask and maybe require" their guests to show "evidence that they are vaccinated." pic.twitter.com/WvRdg8yJDq
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 8, 2021
Fauci advocates changing the definition of “fully vaccinated.” You know, so that way they can keep control of you:
BOLDUAN: “This discussion has been going on for a bit. And I was just kind of with this data coming in this morning, I’m kind of stuck with is it a matter now of when, not if, the definition of fully vaccinated changes?”
FAUCI: “You know, my own personal opinion, Kate, is what you said is correct. It’s going to be a matter of when, not if.”
BOLDUAN: “Does timing of that matter?”
FAUCI: “Well, timing of that matters, Kate, with regard to the lawsuits that are now about OSHA and whether or not a fully vaccinated person that — that — as you know, that — that — that point that was made by the president that private businesses with 100 or more people either should be fully vaccinated or get tested regularly, that federal workers, as you know, are required to be vaccinated, certain people who come under the Medicare/Medicaid. It has implications for that, and that’s the reason why it matters.”
Fauci says "It's going to be a matter of when, not if" when asked if the definition of "fully vaccinated" should now change. pic.twitter.com/GHcmnqewEL
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 8, 2021
Fauci gives no bologna for your free will and individual rights. Even though so many vaccinated people get COVID because a virus is going to virus and vaccines aren’t magic:
FAUCI: “I mean, I understand and we all understand how people do not like to be told what to do. They want to make their own choice, their own free will. I get that and I respect that. But these are unusual times. And you can’t think only of yourself and your own personal opinion, but you have to think about your communal responsibility to get yourself and your family and, indirectly then, the community protected. So I would prefer, and we all would prefer, that people be voluntarily getting vaccinated. But if they’re not going to do that, sometimes you have to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices and are directed predominantly at the communal good. That’s what we’re talking about when we’re talking about requirements.”
Fauci: "I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they're not gonna do that, sometimes you've got to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices…" pic.twitter.com/yxbOw9cwKw
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 8, 2021
Because if you don’t listen to me, the God of Science, we must strip you of your freedoms:
FAUCI: “No one likes to be mandating for people to do things that they might be hesitant to do. But, quite frankly, you have to when you’re in the middle of what we call a historic experience of the worst pandemic of a respiratory disease in the last hundred years. We have to put the communal responsibility ahead of individual preferences. So, although no one myself included, likes to be told what you have to do, sometimes, if you don’t come to the realization that it is good for yourself, for your family, and for the communal good then mandates or requirements become necessary.”
Fauci on NYC: “Quite frankly, you have to [mandate vaccinations] when you’re in the middle of what we call a historic experience of the worst pandemic of a respiratory disease in the last hundred years. We have to put the communal responsibility ahead of individual preferences." pic.twitter.com/sZPOmKoHHk
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 8, 2021

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“The worst pandemic of the last 100years”
You mean the one YOU paid for troll imp monster?
Been to a pet shop lately?
How about the 5 y/O that just died from your lovely vaccine king imp?
Somehow I don’t see Covid as being worse than the Spanish Flu. Or Polo for that matter.
So long as they keep lying shamelessly and no one calls them on it, this will continue.
ICUs are NOT packed with ANY category of patients.
Unvaccinated do NOT represent 90% or even the majority of ICU patients, only about 35% and that is close to the percent of unvaccinated people left.
And of those who ARE in ICU who have Covid, most of them are not there because of that virus but for something else. They wouldn’t even be hospitalized at all were it because of their Covid infections.
LYING IS GOVERNMENT POLICY! Don’t believe ANYTHING the government tells us.
Wherever Fauci chooses to spend the holidays, I hope he is met at the door with a Mare’s Leg.
You got me.. so I looked it up.. https://www.henryusa.com/rifles/mares-leg/ My husband has a modest collection, but I never heard that before. Live and learn.
That’s a modern replica from a popular TV show, but the more common version in the old west was a severely-shortened 12 gauge.
At a certain point even the most committed leftists are going to realize that this incompetent little troll is hurting them, and then he’s going to ‘retire to spend more time with his family’.
“Incompetent little troll”
Also known as the Little Dwarf that cried “Covid” (credit to alaskabob)
Whatever this guy says goes in one ear and out the other – I’ve tuned him out like I’ve tuned out that pathetic liar Jen Paski, and President Puppet.
Same here.
Liberals: You are free only to do what we want when we want.
I’ve got a family member on my wife’s side who asked us to get the booster shot before visiting. We said no. Everyone we’re going to see has a booster shot except a 12-year-old kid and he has 2 vaccinations already, which really bothers me.
As a result of not getting this booster shot, we cannot visit this certain family now. This will be the second year in a row. We don’t live in the same state so the rift is not that bad as if we were in the same town. But this is how it is in America now, you have people who are so F-ing irrational that they don’t care what it does to relationships.
Christmas trip this year, is what I meant
The last civil war was brother against brother.
It’s a sign.
You wouldn’t believe how often I think of exactly this.
My 103-yo mom lives in my brother’s household across the country. He’s swallowed the fear porn so bad that nobody can visit her. He turned my son away after he had RVed most of the way there on an OK from his grandma (overridden). I don’t even bother to ask any more. Her granddaughter with three kids who lives in the vicinity… she hasn’t seen them in two years (and I suspect they’re all vaxxed). She’s a total COVID cheerleader and a Fauci groupie, but she’d blow it off just to see family.
It isn’t gonna happen.
Fanatics are dangerous. None of us here are fantantics – we just want to be left alone, and we’re happy to advoate for it.
But these fanatics on the left have missing a screw somewhere. They’re in a battle for nothing other than “don’t mess with my denial!!”.
Dangerous people, who will cower before any foreign actor, but destroy another American in an instant.
Narcissism: it’s a plague in our country.
Is this guy still relevant?
Yes, and we’re compelled to pay him.
Obama”s got retirement pay tool. But unless you’re in the black KKK, or some other hate group, he’s irreelvant.
Money, yes. ‘Fraid so.
Attention, no.
We’re also compelled to prosecute him.
Between Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, we might have something.
(Look for McConnell to stab us in the back, and support corruption and oppression.)
But before you check your relatives’ papers, you must be appropriately dressed with uniform, leather coat, and weapon, and have a good German accent as you utter the phrase, “Papers please.”
Any family member crazy enough to be that militant: you’re better off not visiting.
Natural immunity. Resistance with early treatment fallback. Conditional exposure. Non-sterilizing “vaccine(s)” (e.g. “silent spread”) with limited robustness, durability, and excess adverse events. Evaluate the risk, benefit, and proceed accordingly. Caveat emptor.
I live in FL and have never shown evidence of vaccination. It’s great.
That anti-tax-mandate bill that DeSantis signed saved my butt, my company had preemptively instituted a vax mandate a few days before OSHA announced theirs. I suspect the timing was no coincidence.
We still have to stupidly wear masks at doctor’s offices and hospitals. I’ve seen a few businesses require masks, which I refuse to patronize.
Mayor Bill De Blasio announced today he received a phone call from Dr. Fauci praising Mr. De Blasio for his leadership involving permanent vaccine mandates while instilling fear, chaos and anger in a divided citizenry.
According to the Mayor, Dr. Fauci went on the record to say he discovered a new covid variant named “iota” that is found in every single human being that breathes, including those people who identify as humans.
People around the world and all Martians will need to be vaccinated against Iota within the next 7 days or else—-everyone will die but before they do: they will lose their jobs, their retirement assets, the keys to their liquor cabinets, face Netflix account cancellation, and in a move especially troubling to suburban homeowners and rural Midwesterners, lose their riding lawn mowers.
Sent from my iPhone, but not while I was driving
Anyone who praises DiBlasio is one sick asshole.
I sense Fauci both panicking and drunk with power at the same time.
This silly little twerp keeps changing the rules, changing his mind and screwing things up.
The most alarming part, to me, is the suggestion of forced vaccinations:
“So I would prefer, and we all would prefer, that people be voluntarily getting vaccinated. But if they’re not going to do that, sometimes you have to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices and are directed predominantly at the communal good. That’s what we’re talking about when we’re talking about requirements.”
At least that’s how I read this. The man’s a disgusting waste of space.
He is worse than disgusting. This psychopath is the USA’s Josef Mengele. When I look at his history of corruption and cruelty to both animals and people, what is disgusting is that he is not in prison. Yet, he is a god to the Democrats and RINOs (assuming there is a difference between them).
I so agree! I think he would try to force vaccinations if he could. Praise God that we live in a Republic, that the feds can’t do this to us. It’s scary as heck, though, that he’s even floating it.
“sometimes you have to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices”
“Some people just need killing.” — Barry Eisler
500 years ago, Fauci’s title would have been “Court Jester”
Better yet: he’d wind up on the rack.
I surprised he isn’t demanding a full proctology exam before opening presents.
It sounds better in the original German. Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz.
Fauci is a sick man.
Has anyone ever played that game, pretend you could go back in time and kill Hitler before he became dictator of Germany? Would you, knowing everything you know now? Just asking.
You could probably solve more by killing Wilson.
Just kidding, of course. I am at 59 years young too busy recovering my renewed love of skate boarding. My city has in fact built a new skate park at its new visitor center.
So who has time to travel to D.C. With a skateboard which might be handy to bash a fascist’s head in. Which we all know thanks to the brilliant prosecutors in the Rittenhouse trial is a mere toy and not a weapon.