Fauci, who changes his mind every day and has a cozy relationship with genocidal China, wants Fox News to fire Jesse Watters over a stupid metaphor:
Over the weekend, Watters implored college students to confront Dr. Anthony Fauci about the havoc he has wreaked on the American public by lying during the pandemic.“Now you’re going for the kill shot. The kill shot with an ambush is deadly because he doesn’t see it coming,” Watters said.“This is when you say, ‘Dr. Fauci, you funded risky research at a sloppy Chinese lab. The same lab that strung this pandemic on the world. You know why people don’t trust you, don’t you?’ Boom, he is dead! He is dead!”
Fauci went on CNN and cried about the metaphor:
In an interview hosted by CNN’s John Berman on Monday, Fauci demanded that Fox News fire Watters for the “horrible comments.”“The only thing that I had ever done throughout these two years is to encourage people to practice good public health practices, to get vaccinated, to be careful in public settings, to wear a mask. And for that, you have some guy out there saying that people should be giving me a kill shot, to ambush me? I mean, what kind of craziness is there in society these days?” Fauci asked. “That’s awful that he said that. And he’s going to go very likely unaccountable. I mean, whatever network he’s on is not going to do anything for him. I mean, that’s crazy. The guy should be fired on the spot!”
CNN’s John Berman feigned shock and disgust over the metaphor. He did not play the clip because it is so violent!
Or maybe he didn’t play it because he knew people would know that Fauci is a crybaby and both are overblowing the comment.
The Federalist’s Jordan Byrd did a great job compiling the times CNN had no problem using the kill shot metaphor or with others using it.