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Environmental Science Prof Refutes Students’ Protest for Green New Deal

Environmental Science Prof Refutes Students’ Protest for Green New Deal

“assumes that all the warming that has occurred since 1850 was caused by human activity.”

It doesn’t even matter that the professor is right. These students have way too much invested in this issue. It’s like a religion.

Campus Reform reports:

Environmental science professor debunks students’ pro-Green New Deal protest

The Sunrise Movement at Kent State University organized a protest early November as a call to action against rising climate temperatures.

Nearly 20 students attended the march, looping through campus and chanting in support of environmental policies and carrying signs that note the ages they will be in the year 2046.

According to the Day of Action Guide, published on the group’s social media, the signs illustrated “the urgency of our demands,” as 2046 is “the approximate year we will hit 2 degrees celsius of warming.” This is expected to lead to “irreversible climate damage based on today’s emission trajectory”.

The protest was planned on November 10 to stand in solidarity with the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference which was held from October 31 to November 13. Rescheduled from November 2020 due to COVID-19, the conference aimed to “work with all involved to increase climate ambition, build resilience and lower emissions.”…

Campus Reform looked into these claims by discussing the topic with Patrick Michaels, former director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute.

Michaels was also a research professor of Environmental Science at the University of Virginia and a contributing author and reviewer of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Concerning the trajectory of climate warming, Michaels stated that the two-degree claim “assumes that all the warming that has occurred since 1850 was caused by human activity.”

He disputed this claim as false, referring to a period of warming between 1910 and 1945 that increased temperatures by nearly half-a-degree Celsius.

“When that started, we had barely raised the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at all. If that warming was caused by CO2, it would be several degrees warmer now that it is. So they’re protesting based upon a false premise that they should have done more research about,” Michaels stated.


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Nearly 20 students attended the march

I can get more people than that to show up in the Legion hall basement to push little lead soldiers around re-enacting the Battle of Ardennes Forest.

““assumes that all the warming that has occurred since 1850 was caused by human activity”

I feel much better knowing we are doomed to uncontrollable cyclical climate change