Border Patrol Caught Again Deleting Announcement About Arresting Terrorists at the Border

On December 20, Yuma Sector Chief Patrol Agent Chris Clem announced in a tweet the border patrol “apprehended a potential terrorist who illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico.”

Clem wrote the 21-year-old Saudi Arabian man had links “to several Yemeni subjects of interest.”

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) said Clem deleted the tweet since it had “law enforcement sensitive information” while violating protocols:

All individuals encountered at or between U.S. ports of entry are screened and vetted against a broad range of law enforcement and intelligence information to determine if they pose a threat to national security or public safety, consistent with the law.CBP is continuing to investigate the matter following its standard protocols. This may include referral, if appropriate, to other relevant law enforcement entities for further investigation and a custody determination.

CBP did not explain which parts they considered sensitive or violated protocol. The Saudi Arabia Embassy said the man in the photo is not a Saudi citizen.

Read that again: He is not a Saudi citizen. The Saudis did not deny he is Saudi Arabia or traveled from Saudi Arabia.

Clem never said anything about the migrant being a Saudi citizen.

The replies to the tweet made me laugh. Sue the CBP! They think they’re untouchable, don’t they?

In April, the CBP published a press release announcing the arrest of two Yemeni men at the border. Officials said they had them on a terror watch list.

They arrested one of the men, 33, in January. He supposedly had a spot on the FBI’s Terrorism Watch List and No-Fly List.

CBP arrested the second man, 26, also on the two lists, in April.

Then the CBP deleted the press release because it “was not properly reviewed and contained certain disclosure and policy information related to national security that required CBP to remove it from our website.”

From the Fox News article at the time:

A CBP spokesperson told Fox in a statement at that time that security efforts at the border “are layered and include multiple levels of rigorous screening that allow us to detect and prevent people who pose national security or public safety risks from entering the United States.””DHS works with our international partners to share intelligence and other information, including to prevent individuals on the terrorist watchlist from entering the United States. CBP adjudicates individuals encountered at and between our ports of entry against several classified and unclassified databases to determine if they pose a threat to national security, consistent with the law,” the spokesperson said. “While encounters of known and suspected terrorists at our borders are very uncommon, they underscore the importance of the critical work our agents carry out on a daily basis to vet all individuals encountered at our borders.”

Since it supposedly had sensitive information, I guess I can understand why CBP didn’t provide a more in-depth explanation. Then again, it’s a great excuse not to do it. Instead, release a statement that praises the agents and DHS department that does not deny or confirm the men are still in custody.

Must make Biden look good because there is no way terrorists would exploit his lax border control policies!

Tags: Biden Foreign Policy, Border Crisis, DHS