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Biden and Democrats are Losing Their Advantage With Latino Voters

Biden and Democrats are Losing Their Advantage With Latino Voters

“Last year, more than 60% told pollsters they would cast a ballot for their House Democratic contender, researchers found. This month, 37% said they would make the same choice, while the same percentage would back the Republican.”

Democrats have always enjoyed an eadvantage with Latino voters, but that may be changing. According to recent polling, Latinos are souring on Biden and Dems just like everyone else.

This could have a significant effect on the next two major elections in 2022 and 2024.

Naomi Lim reports at the Washington Examiner:

Biden and Democrats lose grip on Hispanic voters

Democrats are losing their edge with Hispanic voters, and prominent members of the minority community are sounding the alarm to President Joe Biden and their Capitol Hill colleagues before next year’s midterm cycle.

Democrats no longer have an advantage with Hispanic voters when they were asked whether they would support their local Democratic or Republican congressional candidate if the midterm elections were held today, according to a Wall Street Journal poll last week .

Last year, more than 60% told pollsters they would cast a ballot for their House Democratic contender, researchers found. This month, 37% said they would make the same choice, while the same percentage would back the Republican. Roughly 1 in 5 remained undecided.

Republicans are undermining Democrats’ stranglehold on the Hispanic vote as Biden’s Justice Department sues states such as Georgia over its election integrity laws and Texas over its redistricting proposal, both of which it argues discriminate against minorities, according to Suffolk University Political Research Center director David Paleologos.

This is a key quote from a Republican strategist:

“Hispanics are horrified that the Democrats are implementing the same kind of socialism that many of them escaped from in their home countries.”

This report from The Hill notes that Republicans don’t need to do much to tip the scales in their favor:

“The Republican Party has a way easier job than we do. They just need to strip 5 percent to 7 percent of our national vote and they win,” said Rep. Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’s campaign arm, Bold PAC…

Republicans are latching on to the polling numbers and indications from 2020 that Hispanics — particularly voters in Texas and Florida — are increasingly responsive to a conservative economic message.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) called last week’s Journal polling troubling for Democrats.

“Hispanic voters are splitting their support more evenly between the two parties, a new WSJ poll finds. That’s an ominous sign for Democrats,” he said on Wednesday.

I’m reminded of this clip from just after the Youngkin election in November:


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if enough swing Republican, the Dems will get serious about closing the border.

If we had DeSantis instead of Abbott, the Texas border WOULD be closed

    TargaGTS in reply to gonzotx. | December 14, 2021 at 10:48 am

    It really wouldn’t. I think there are PLENTY of reasons to want to be rid of Abbott. But, he’s really hamstrung by existing Supreme Court precedent. Many of these border crossings are happening on federal land. Why? Because the illegals – and their coyote shepherds – understand that the state authorities have no ability to patrol those areas.

    More importantly, even where Abbott can marshal state resources to apprehend people (usually under the premise that the illegals are ‘trespassing’ on privately owned property), do you know what happens after they’re arrested, booked and held for no longer than a few days, if that? They’re free to walk out of jail and go anywhere they like because ICE simply isn’t collecting them. Essentially, Texas is arresting illegal border-crossers, feeding them for a few days, giving them someplace to shower and get their clothes laundered and then sending them on their way…all because the Supreme Court doesn’t allow Texas (or any other state), to bus them back across the border.

I think it’s interesting that Asians & Latinos seem far more likely to vote across sectarian/racial divides than blacks are.

I would be really curious to see how Asians and Latinos break down based upon their generational status. IOW, are they more or less likely to vote for Republican depending on how deep their familial roots are here? Are they first or second (or longer) generation Americans? Or, doesn’t that impact their voting preference at all?

    Ben Kent in reply to TargaGTS. | December 14, 2021 at 2:27 pm


    Dems core principles are the opposite of Latino core principles.

    They bet the future of the Dem Party on people who disagree with 85% of what they stand for. That is the definition of DUMB.

    Let’s Go Brandon.

would not bash abbott exclusively over the border situation–lord, can you imagine if some twit like davis was governor?–without fed support, he lacks the resources to do the job–agree, he’s in a helluva spot–the long game of the dems, of course, is to import legions of dem voters (no citizenship? no ID? no residency requirement fulfilled? NO PROBLEM ! here’s your ballot) and as that necessitates open borders, unlikely will see any substantial change in policy from the feds–there really are but a couple of options remaining to texans/americans to resolve the situation

Is there any demographic outside of the transgender pro-rape race mongering rioters and looters that polls well for this administration?

The latinos appreciate the direct threat of the illegal tide to them. Some other minority groups in the same situation are not paying attention. Their “leaders” are too busy promoting more crime.

Most Latinos support Biden when they are on the far side of the border. He has an almost 100% approval rating for those that haven’t yet crossed over. But when they get here and get a whiff of capitalism they get real protective of what they’ve worked for.

oh and its not Latino… it’s LatinX.

    lichau in reply to Andy. | December 14, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    Always a puzzle to me. I grew up about 5 miles north of the border. None of the Mexicans. I knew/know had any problem identifying as Mexican. No more than Italians , etc. had a problem.
    When “Chicano” showed up, a Mexican friend said that was a Chinese-Mexican mix. Never heard that view since.

I’ve seen the same sort of polling among blacks, but in the end they still vote for the Democrats. I expect the same for Latinos.

    Peabody in reply to txvet2. | December 14, 2021 at 5:43 pm

    I’m afraid you’re right. Many don’t take the time to read and find out what is really going on, like reading this blog for example. Instead they consume the fine fare on CNN and MSNBC and drink the delicious kool aid.

“The Republican Party has a way easier job than we do. They just need to strip 5 percent to 7 percent of our national vote and they win,” said Rep. Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’s campaign arm, Bold PAC”

Your job is just to keep them, you commie halfwit. That’s harder? Doesn’t say much for your confidence in the swill you’re selling.


Keep in mind that “immigrant” and “illegal immigrant” are not synonyms. An immigrant is someone who moves in from somewhere else, even if he does it playing by the rules.

Hammer away at the Jackass Party whenever they say enforcement of immigration laws passed by both Houses of Congress with bipartisan supports is “anti-immigrant”. Tell the nation that the careless use of “immigrant” to mean “undocumented entrant” is a Democrat baby, and to be rejected.

    henrybowman in reply to Kepha H. | December 15, 2021 at 1:11 am

    I don’t know the numbers (frankly, I suspect nobody knows the real numbers) but when the illegal ones outnumber the legal ones, I suspect the dynamic we see may change.

    Never forget that the Latino’s premiere Boulevard Saint (Caesar Chavez) fought illegal immigration and temporary worker visas.