AOC Escapes NY To DeSantisland

I thought Democrats wanted us to sacrifice family time this holiday season because of COVID.

I thought Democrats think of Florida as the seventh level of hell, filled with death and despair. I thought progressives like AOC wanted to devote their time to helping their constituents.

Yet we see AOC, a person who loves mandates and masks, having a grand old time in Miami, FL.

As I’ve said, this stuff like Pelosi enjoying parties normally does not bother me. But the hypocrisy blows me away.

COVID is all over AOC’s district as people cannot get the tests they need to work or get on with their daily life because politicians have bombarded them with stupid mandates. People need food as they stand in line at food banks.

Oh, wait. I forgot. AOC is a socialist. The plebes stand in line for food and necessities while the elite relaxes and enjoy freedom.

I see people getting on NRO, too, for the story. But hey. The left made these rules.

Then AOC had an epic meltdown.

Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Florida, Ron DeSantis, Wuhan Coronavirus