Yale Law Diversity Director Got Anti-Semite Invited to Speak to Yale Law Journal
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Yale Law Diversity Director Got Anti-Semite Invited to Speak to Yale Law Journal

Yale Law Diversity Director Got Anti-Semite Invited to Speak to Yale Law Journal

“almost like a conservative parody of what antiracism trainings are like.”


This is a follow up to a story we ran last month. The plot thickens.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Yale Law Diversity Director at Center of ‘Traphouse’ Controversy Got an Anti-Semite Invited to the Yale Law Journal

The Yale Law School administrator caught on tape pressuring a student to apologize for an allegedly racist party invitation pushed the Yale Law Journal to host a diversity trainer who told students that anti-Semitism is merely a form of anti-blackness and suggested that the FBI artificially inflates the number of anti-Semitic hate crimes.

The comments from diversity trainer Ericka Hart—a self-described “kinky” sex-ed teacher who works with children as young as nine—shocked members of the predominantly liberal law review, many of whom characterized the presentation as anti-Semitic, according to a memo from Yale Law Journal editors obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

“I consider myself very liberal,” a student quoted in the memo said. But Hart’s presentation, delivered Sept. 17 to members of the prestigious law review, was “almost like a conservative parody of what antiracism trainings are like.”

The controversy began when a law journal editor asked Hart why her presentation had addressed inequities like “pretty privilege” and “fatphobia” but not anti-Semitism. According to the memo, which collected feedback on the training from 33 law journal editors, Hart responded that she’d already covered anti-Semitism by discussing anti-blackness, because some Jews are black. She also raised questions about FBI data showing that Jews are the most frequent targets of hate crimes—implying, in the words of one journal editor, that the people compiling those statistics had an “agenda.”

“She basically said anti-Semitism is a subset of anti-blackness,” the editor told the Free Beacon. “She didn’t recognize there could be anti-Semitism against white people.” That characterization is corroborated by two students quoted in the memo, and by a third who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


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This Marxist garbage should be fought actively by any legal means including exposing the utter lack of any intellectual basis for it whatsoever

At least some of the Yale LS recognized the blatant anti Semitism, which is a key ideological element in the ideology of anti racism,

Perhaps it is time to ask Mr. Yaseen Eldik to resign and move on.

To quote from the Beacon article:
“So have many of the other tropes associated with pop “antiracism.” In her September presentation, Hart listed “perfectionism,” “objectivity,” “a sense of urgency,” and “the written word” as examples of “white supremacy culture.” Dismantling that culture, she said, required abolishing prisons, opposing capitalism, and imprisoning former president Donald Trump.”

With all candor, if law students really wanted to eliminate perfectionism, objectivity, a sense of urgency and the written word as a way of reducing “white supremacy culture,” they should abolish the Yale Law Journal. The YLJ is an inherently elitist organization designed to help the job prospects of the students at the top of their class at the expense of students doing less well academically, The YLJ only helps those who have embraced “whiteness” values including People of Color who try to act like good lawyers.

I wish she would tell the Boko Harum that antisemitism is anti-blackness. I think they would disagree.

    neurodoc in reply to dr. frank. | November 4, 2021 at 10:43 am

    “blatant anti Semitism, which is a key ideological element in the ideology of anti racism”

    Huh? Can you explain?

    “I wish she would tell the Boko Harum that antisemitism is anti-blackness. I think they would disagree.”

    Is Boko Harum known for antisemitism? What evidence would you cite for support?

“blatant anti Semitism, which is a key ideological element in the ideology of anti racism”

Huh? Can you explain?

“I wish she would tell the Boko Harum that antisemitism is anti-blackness. I think they would disagree.”

Is Boko Harum known for antisemitism? What evidence would you cite for support?