WaPo Retracts Steele Dossier Russia Collusion Reporting, Points Finger At Hillary Clinton

There is a limit to what we are able to cover. We just don’t have the resources to cover everything that deserves covering, and one of the things that deserved covering in more depth was the Clinton connection to the phony Steele Dossier that led to years of Russia collusion media coverage designed to freeze the Trump administration. We covered it, it’s not that we ignored it, but it should have been a more major focus.

The short story, previously covered, was that the Steele Dossier was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign, with ‘holier than thou’ Democrat election lawyer Mark Elias playing a role as intermediary. The whole thing was an interference in our election process of epic proportions, and the Clinton Crime Family was behind it.

Now it’s all coming out as a result of the slow but steady investigation by John Durham. The indictment of a Clinton compaign lawyer and recently of another Democrat operative involved with the Steele Dossier inticate the onion is being peeled back.

Deep inside, if Durham ever gets there, we will find some surprises (here’s my bet: People connected to Obama were involved, and Obama almost certainly knew but he probably kept several layers of people between himself and the dirty work, like he always did).

In a major development, the rats at WaPo are fleeing the sinking ship.

In an extraordinary announcement, WaPo wrote as self-obituary announcing it was retracting much of its reporting, and fingering the Clinton machine as a possible culprit, The Washington Post corrects, removes parts of two stories regarding the Steele dossier:

The Washington Post on Friday took the unusual step of correcting and removing large portions of two articles, published in March 2017 and February 2019, that had identified a Belarusian American businessman as a key source of the “Steele dossier,” a collection of largely unverified reports that claimed the Russian government had compromising information about then-candidate Donald Trump.The newspaper’s executive editor, Sally Buzbee, said The Post could no longer stand by the accuracy of those elements of the story. It had identified businessman Sergei Millian as “Source D,” the unnamed figure who passed on the most salacious allegation in the dossier to its principal author, former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.The story’s headline was amended, sections identifying Millian as the source were removed, and an accompanying video summarizing the article was eliminated. An editor’s note explaining the changes was added. Other stories that made the same assertion were corrected as well.Source D, according to the dossier, alleged that Russian intelligence had learned that Trump had hired Russian prostitutes to defile a Moscow hotel room once occupied by President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama and possessed a video recording of the incident.The allegation, which the dossier said was confirmed by a second person described only as “Source E,” has never been substantiated.

WaPo made pains to highlight the Clinton role (emphasis added):

Steele’s dossier consisted of raw information and unconfirmed tips from unidentified sources, which he compiled as part of a political opposition-research project for an investigative firm working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign. Though Steele shared it with the FBI, its contents remained largely unknown and unpublicized until two months after the 2016 election, when a leaked copy was published by BuzzFeed News.Trump has repeatedly denounced the dossier as false, framing it as the centerpiece of a malicious effort financed by his political opponents to damage him.The Post’s reassessment follows the indictment on Nov. 4 of Igor Danchenko, a Russian American analyst and researcher who helped Steele compile the dossier….Danchenko was indicted on charges that he repeatedly lied to the FBI about where and how he got information that he allegedly gave to Steele for the dossier….The February 2019 Post story detailed Millian’s involvement in some of Trump’s business activities. It was headlined, “Sergei Millian, identified as an unwitting source for the Steele dossier, sought proximity to Trump’s world in 2016.”The indictment secured by Durham on Nov. 4 suggests, but doesn’t explicitly assert, that Danchenko may have gotten his information about the hotel encounter not from Millian but from a Democratic Party operative with long-standing ties to Hillary Clinton. The indictment doesn’t name the executive by name, but he has been identified as Charles Dolan Jr. by Dolan’s attorney, Ralph D. Martin, who otherwise declined to comment because Dolan is a “witness in an ongoing case.”

The damage Hillary Clinton, Democrat disinformation operatives, and their media helpers did to this country is immeasurable.

I agree with this sentiment:

Bring them down. Bring them all down