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Video: Pro-Life Event at University of Pittsburgh Disrupted by Abortion Activists

Video: Pro-Life Event at University of Pittsburgh Disrupted by Abortion Activists

“Abortion is healthcare!”

Some people on the left are incapable of leaving other people alone. They believe their views are more important than others.

The College Fix reports:

VIDEO: Abortion activists disrupt pro-life conference at University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh officials are looking for a group of abortion activists who crashed a conference on fetal tissue research held by a pro-life student group. The investigation is still ongoing as of November 24.

“We are aware of this incident,” a spokesperson for Pitt told The College Fix on November 14. “At the time of this incident Pitt police were requested on scene, although the disrupting party left the event prior to police arrival.”

The same spokesperson told The Fix there were no further updates as of November 18.

“We are committed to providing open dialogue and free speech opportunities at the University as well as opportunities for peaceful protests,” the spokesperson told The Fix on November 14.

“The actions portrayed by protestors in the video do not align with our guidelines and policies for on-campus demonstrations. We are looking into identifying the disruptive individuals for next steps via the student code of conduct or referral to the Pitt Police,” the spokesperson said….

The event included Franciscan University Professor Patrick Lee, Justin Butterfield, a former Health and Human Services advisor on religious freedom, and Tina Whittington, an executive with SFLA.

It was during the presentation from Butterfield that the abortion activists stood up in unison and marched to the front of the stage, holding banners with pro-abortion messaging and chanting phrases such as “Working women give them Hell, it is right to rebel!”, “We demand justice!”, and “Abortion is healthcare!”


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It’s time for conservative student groups to organize some of their bulkier members into “protection details.” When they march up your aisle, be sure they meet a group marching in the other direction.

Abortion activist = human sacrifice advocate.