Video: Equity Administrator Lectures Middle Schoolers on CRT, Says Black Babies Experience Racism in the Womb

At a certain point, you have to wonder what’s going through the heads of students as they listen to stuff like this. Wouldn’t you have thought this was crazy talk even when you were young?

The Daily Caller reports:

Equity Administrator Lectures Indiana Middle School Students About ‘Environmental Racism,’ ‘Racism Against Unborn Black Babies’A top equity administrator at the biggest school district in Indiana spent nearly an hour lecturing students about systemic racism and encouraged them to become activists, according to video taken of the lecture obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) has conducted numerous equity and racial justice initiatives, including student lectures and lessons, according to documents reviewed by the DCNF. In one Jan. 15 video, Dr. Patricia Payne, the director of the IPS Racial Equity Office explained to students that their black peers are sometimes considered “less than” and encouraged students to “stop all this madness,” as part of a “Racial Justice Speaker Series.”The speaker series is a requirement of the “Interdisciplinary Social Justice Project” for the entire middle school at IPS’s Butler University Laboratory School 60, according to Tony Kinnett, the IPS district science coordinator & instructional coach and founder of Chalkboard Review, who provided the video to the Daily Caller News Foundation. The series was a part of a project that started in fall 2020 and continued through spring 2021.“It sounds to me like you’re just interested in what’s going on in this world and why people can’t get along.” Payne told a student. “The systemic racism that is going on that touches the lives of all of us … you’ve heard with this Covid, how you’ve heard that black and brown people are affected most by the Covid. That’s because of systemic racism, see?”


Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Education, Indiana