University of Toronto Offering Social Justice Math Course “Liberating Mathematics”
“a daring critique of traditional mathematics, re-imagining of mathematics culture, and more”
Jordan Peterson pointed this out on Twitter. Notice in the description how they say they’re ‘reimagining’ mathematics. How exactly does one do that?
Campus Reform reports:
Jordan Peterson spots another woke college math course
Jordan Peterson, the famed psychology professor, recently pointed out that his institution, the University of Toronto, is offering a “Liberating Mathematics” class.
The course description argues that “progress” in the discipline has been “led in large part by women mathematicians, in particular Black women, Indigenous women, and women from visible minorities” who offer “a daring critique of traditional mathematics, re-imagining of mathematics culture, and more.”
The description clarifies that the class is “restricted to first-year students.”
As Campus Reform spokeswoman Angela Morabito observed, several schools across the United States are now infusing mathematics courses with a “social justice” agenda.
Liberating mathematics
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) November 2, 2021
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to the full extent allowed by law.
William Buckley made a statement about conservatism being athwart history and yelling stop. For words to that effect. I’m waiting for someone, anyone, to stand athwart nonsense and yell stop!
John Galt, call your office. John Galt, call your office.
more agitprop from clown world. I’d be very worried about airplanes, buildings, and other complex constructs when these kids graduate with their woke math.
All of this is just to make us appreciate H1B visa engineering.
If you want to look up this class, here it is:
It fulfills their distribution requirements for science and math.
The prerequisite is “high school algebra” i.e. people likely to be not mathematically sophisticated enough to immediately identify this class as BS.
“Liberating Mathematics”
“Good news, number-line citizens! You are now all free!”
“Thank you, ser! I’m 2, and this is my twin brother, 2.
So are we finally free to be… 5?”
“Of course! Of course!
You’re all free to be anything you want to be!
5… 42… the sky’s the limit!”
“All glory to the anti-patriarchy!”
“Do any of you prodigies know how to replace my eigenvector
with a matrix? I’m really an ordinal, trapped in a cardinal’s body!”