University of Delaware Students Outraged by Racist Graffiti Found on Buildings Near Campus
“It kind of just makes me uncomfortable that things like this are going on in our campus”

The graffiti was found on buildings where students live. Is this another hoax? It follows a familiar pattern.
CBS Philly reports:
Students React After Racist Slurs Found Near Campus: ‘University Of Delaware Failed Time And Time Again To Address These Issues’
A University of Delaware student was shocked to find a hateful message written on the garage door of her off-campus apartment, and it wasn’t the only place the racial slurs appeared.
The university’s president sent a letter to the school community condemning the graffiti, but some students say they’re hoping it doesn’t stop there.
“To be honest, I was a little shocked that a person would do that in somebody’s own home,” one student said.
Reports of racial slurs inscribed onto the off-campus homes near the University of Delaware have students wondering why.
“I think it’s just awful. I don’t know who would do anything like that, vandalize someone’s property, especially writing words like that,” student Brett Basarab said.
According to the university’s president, a student discovered a hateful, racist message — including the N-word — written on the garage door of her off-campus apartment.
While investigating, Newark police found the same slur on a nearby home.
“But I know that there are people out there, it’s just you never really think that it’s going to happen like near you or people you know,” a student said.
The university says it is angry that a member of its community was the target of such an abhorrent incident. It adds that this expression of hate is contrary to the university’s values.
“It kind of just makes me uncomfortable that things like this are going on in our campus,” Katie Yurish said.
@UDelaware released this statement after racial slurs- including the N-word- were found on two off campus apartments. A student found it written on her garage door. @CBSPhilly #universityofdelaware
— Jasmine Payoute (@jpayoute) November 13, 2021
[FS adds: Has there ever been even one instance of racist graffiti that was found to be perpetrated by an actual racist? I can’t think of a single instance. Probably because actual racists aren’t activists, they just sit around and gripe with their racist buddies since the rest of society has rejected them.]

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The very fact that you said that means that you’re a racist. And for the humor impaired, I am having one of my famous sarcasms.
Usual question asked by everyone about all of these reports: How long till this is determined to be a hoax?
Bonus question: How can an organization, like a university or corporation, have “values?” The leadership of the organization may have values, but not the organization.
So, when was Jussie Smollett visiting Delaware?
Based on the many previous race hoaxes, the likelihood that this is an actual case of racial graffiti approaches zero.
Also, the likelihood that, after having been inevitably revealed as a hoax, the aggrieved parties apologize for jumping to racist conclusions is also zero.
“University of Delaware Students Outraged by Racist Graffiti Found on Buildings Near Campus”
“Mrs. Feeney’s Third Grade Outraged when Janie Follows Directions Not Preceded By ‘Simon Says.'”
I realize I’m practicing logic here, but would someone please explain to me how the college is responsible for what takes place outside the borders of their campus? Yes I know, logic is a white man’s construct but still…
If the left-wing neo-racists who stage these hoaxes are half-way smart, they will always do their graffiti in places where there are no security cameras.
What about the rest of us who are uncomfortable with some of the extreme CRT stuff. Can we call the cops and get that removed from campus too?