U Texas Launching Plan to Train Teaching Of Critical Race Theory to Four-Year Olds

Democrats and the media lie to the faces of the American people constantly, by insisting this isn’t being taught in schools.

Minding the Campus reports:

GoKAR!—The University of Texas’ CRT Plan for Four-Year-OldsFor me and other alumni of the University of Texas, it has become less and less surprising how deeply the gospel of wokeness has permeated and corrupted the institution. Whether it is the dean of UT Law preemptively surrendering to the wokesters and neutering the newly endowed First Amendment Center before it even opened, or UT adopting an Orwellian DEI initiative that puts departmental diversity commissars in command of hiring, promotion, tenure, awards, and funding decisions, or having one of its noted scientists forced to withdraw his academic work because the enlightened feared it might undercut their social engineering efforts, those of us who have been paying attention have pretty much written the Forty Acres off as having gone around the bend. After all, how much worse can it get?Once again, the administration of UT President Jay Hartzell responds, “hold my soy milk.” Not content to propagandize college students with CRT pseudo-scholarship, or to institutionalize its teachings as official UT policy, UT is now launching a program to “educate” four- and five-year-old children on “anti-racism”:Making matters worse, participation in the program—which will be compensated by this state-funded institution—is restricted to “caregivers” (the concept of “parents” is now apparently verboten) and little children who both “self-identify as white.” Leaving aside the question of whether most four- and five-year-olds racially “self-identify” at all, the folks behind this project obviously forgot, or have intentionally ignored, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which provides that “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” But, of course, such racial discrimination is precisely what GoKAR! does, apparently based on a belief that discrimination in the name of “anti-racism” is somehow legal. As Judge James Ho of the United States Court of Appeals has cogently observed, that is simply not the case.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Education, Texas